After doing some research about my problem, I found this 
https://www.mail-archive.com/server-user@james.apache.org/msg15590.html and 
from what im understanding that if my SMTP use port other than 25, I cannot get 
any email from outside world? (Gmail, Yahoo I pressume)

I might be wrong since im new but, to send email to outside world, I need port 
465 with SSL/TLS Socket on so it wont be recognized as spam. In addition, it 
seems using port 25 as SMTP port to send email using thunderbird always create 
a connection time out error.

For the IMAP server, I can use port 993 with socketTLS and port 143 with no 
problem to get new email, as long as the SMTP port stay on 25. (Additional Info 
: keystore was created using Letsencrypt)

(When I change SMTP port to 465, I got this error from gmail)
The recipient server did not accept our requests to connect. Learn more at 
https://support.google.com/mail/answer/7720 [jason.107.jp. 
generic::failed_precondition: connect error (111): Connection refused]
So is there any way for my SMTP to use port 465 and still get email from 
outside my server?
Sincerely, Jason
Sorry for any wrong word, and thank you for the help

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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