Thanks for the info, Garry.  But I'm still confused.  Are you saying that it is no longer possible to build from the source on Eclipse?  I realize the team may be pushing docker.  But there are still non-docker binaries that got built someway.  I just want to recreate those binaries with my code additions.  But first I want to just build with the official source untouched and verify that works.  Then I'll add my changes and rebuild.

You said the .git files are from the .git repository.  I don't doubt that.  But I'm not a git guru.  I'm still not sure how to fix the errors I'm getting (~400+ of these):

org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException: .git directory is not found! Please specify a valid [dotGitDirectory] in your pom.xml

I do not know anything about pom syntax.  I have no clue how/where to "specify a valid [dotGitDirectory] in your pom.xml" (times 400....)  Does this error mean that there isn't a gitDirectory defined in the pom.xml and there should be? Or does it mean that one is defined somewhere and the specified directory doesn't exist on my file system?  I guess it'd be too much to ask for this error message to include the directory it found and which of the 400 pom.xml files the error refers to. (Sorry... I'm just frustrated at less-than-useful error messages).

Did I download an invalid source zip?  Is there a different zip (or additional zips that contain the correct pom files? ) I simply went to github and downloaded the latest source zip file.

Where do I start?  I really don't want to have to learn how to build on Linux unless there's an official word that says Eclipse is no longer supported as a build platform.  I need to use Eclipse to debug my code.  I just want to download the correct source, import it into Eclipse, and build it.  I just can't understand why I can't get anywhere near a successful build.  What am I doing wrong?


On 8/31/2019 5:25 PM, Garry Hurley wrote:
Jerry, I had to download the source, run configure and make on a Linux system. 
The problem is that the source is made to build onto a docker system on 
Windows. Those of us who choose not to run docker and run a real operating 
system often have issues. Those .git files are from the .git repository. If you 
did a git clone, create your workspace from the local git repo or import 
existing maven projects into eclipse from the repo. This serves two purposes. 
1, it allows you to keep your project up to date and 2, it allows you to commit 
if you have any changes to the existing code you want to push up for others.

I haven’t built anything after 3.3.0 was finalizedbecause the government 
finally approved 3.3.0 for use (ironically, they had been insisting that 
3.0.4beta was safe to use in production and I outright refused to put that in 

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 31, 2019, at 6:02 PM, Jerry Malcolm <> wrote:

Something else I just found... the link to a tutorial at
 in the Eclipse build section is dead.  No DNS entry.

On 8/31/2019 4:54 PM, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
Correction... the build instructions page link should be:

On 8/31/2019 4:52 PM, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
I'm trying to build the latest stable James 3.3.0 in Eclipse.

-- The link to the 3.3.0 source zip on the downloads page is dead 

-- I figured out the correct link:
 and downloaded the zip.  But the zip contains ONLY the primary source files 
and no pom.xml, etc files.

-- I finally went to git and downloaded a zip that contained everything.

-- But the fun just kept happening... I tried to import the project into Eclipse, but got 
over 500 errors.   A large chunk of these errors was that every pom file has an invalid 
or missing a "dotGit" folder name.

-- Also, I tried following the instructions here: -- In 
the section titled "prepare projects" it says to copy files from: 
server/container/spring/src/main/config/james and from 
server/container/src/main/config/james Apparently, the folder structures have completely 
changed since that was written. Neither of those folder exist, and it wasn't obvious 
where they moved to.

-- I know enough about eclipse to get by.  I know nothing about maven (and for 
now would like to keep it as close to that way as possible).  I just want to 
add a few tweaks to James 3.3 that I added back in v3b5 and get the latest 
james into production. I'm sure there's something missing or some setting wrong 
in Eclipse or in the Maven plug-in.  I did a complete clean install of Eclipse 
(Java EE version) and Maven on a different machine just to make sure there were 
no issues with my original Eclipse.  No change.

Any help on resolving the hundreds of import errors and where to find all of 
these files that have moved since the instructions were written will be 
appreciated.   I'm at a total loss.  I really just need to get this thing to 



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