What does this have to do with my sending domain? v6 is configured on my
sending domain but that shouldn't matter anyway. James is initiating a
connection to the recipient. The DNS on my domain doesn't even matter as
james is doing a DNS lookup for the recipient domain, not mine, and is
picking the A response instead of a AAAA even when one is available.
When I receive email from gmail or other v6 capable senders James
receives on v6. When I send email my connection to james is v6. The only
time v4 is used when v6 is available is on outbound mail from james to
the recipient's server. Usually java apps prefer v4 over v6 for DNS
lookups unless you specify -Djava.net.preferIPv6Addresses=true however
james seems to ignore that.

On 5/23/20 12:30 AM, David Matthews wrote:
>> Is there a way to prefer IPv6 for outbound email? I set
>> -Djava.net.preferIPv6Addresses=true but james/JavaDNS doesn't seem to
>> obey it. When sending to gmail which fully supports IPv6 inbound my
>> server still sends over v4.
> Is this really a james issue rather than the DNS of your sending domain?
> --
> David Matthews
> m...@dmatthews.org
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