hello aain
>I got "inspired" by this topic to write down a guide myself. Although I 
>only have SPF set up right now I may take the time to also have a look 
>into DKIM and DMARC. It won't be perfect, but same as with Davids guide: 
>It should others new to James get started.

I should clarify my attitude to SPF/DKIM/DMARC

I do check incoming mail SPF coz it's easy in both James and exim4, so why not, 
although checking incoming mail against online blacklists (DNSBL) pretty much 
solves the spam problem. I don't bother to check DKIM or DMARC.

My experience is that you must implement SPF and DKIM for domains you are 
hosting as if you don't gmail, hotmail and other mega providers will put your 
outgoing mail in spam boxes without warning you -  the logs will say queued for 
delivery / accepted. You may as well have DMARC as well although I can't see 
the point of it from a technical point of view.

SPF and DMARC for your hosted domains is a DNS issue rather than an issue for 
james/exim4 or whatever. DKIM is a two part thing - you must have a public key 
in the domains' DNS and james/exim4 must sign outgoing mail with the 
corresponding private key.

Fully dealt with at


except that I've only done the DNS on a tinyDNS based system. I'd love to add 
info for BIND and I'll credit anyone who provides that in my writeup.

David Matthews

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