On 6/11/2014 8:05 PM, Evgeniya Stepanova wrote:
Hi David,

tag added because tests contain string

and JpsHelper defines
public static final String[] VM_ARGS = {"-Xmx512m", "-XX:+UseParallelGC"};

Ah I see! Strange.

Thanks for clarifying.

Looks okay then.


public static List<String> getVmArgs() throws IOException {
         if (testVmArgs == null) {
             testVmArgs = new ArrayList<>();
             testVmArgs.add("-XX:Flags=" +
         return testVmArgs;

Tests itself wouldn't fail if we use another GC, tag added for
cleanup-if we use for example SerialGC we must be sure that tests passed
with this GC, not with another one. Now you will assume that concrete
test passed with Serial GC, but it run only with Parallel GC. Plus there
is no any sense to run test twice in TC (with different GC, since it use
only Parallel)

Evgeniya Stepanova
On 06.11.2014 6:20, David Holmes wrote:
Hi Evgeniya,

On 6/11/2014 1:33 AM, Evgeniya Stepanova wrote:

Please review changes for 8062536, the OpenJDK/jdk part of the

bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8062536
fix: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~eistepan/8062536/webrev.00/

Problem: Some tests explicitly set GC and fail when another GC is set

I don't see why you have done this for the


tests. They don't set any GC flags.

Solution: Such tests marked with the jtreg tag "requires" to skip test
if there is a conflict

Just wondering: Does a skipped test get a .jtr file showing it was
skipped; or does it only appear in the higher-level jtreg log?


Tested locally with different GC flags (-XX:+UseG1GC,
-XX:+UseParallelGC, -XX:+UseSerialGC, -XX:+UseConcMarkSweep and without
any GC flag). Tests are being excluded as expected. No tests failed
because of the conflict.

Evgeniya Stepanova


/Evgeniya Stepanova/

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