Hi Ujwal,

(Reviewer, but not specifically servicability).



809: It may be useful to state that the behavior is the same as {@link #dumpAllThreads} except that the depth is limited.

828: Do not duplicate specification of the meaning of maxDepth = MAX_VALUE, either put the entire spec in the @param or in the description. Duplication creates an opportunity for disagreement or a maintenance issue when updating.

833: terminate the {@code maxDepth} before "is negative".

As Erik comments, there should be a space after "," everywhere; both to be consistent with existing style and the style guide.


484: Since the native code is going to check maxDepth, why is it checked here also?
    -or- remove the check in native
490:  This could be simpler to not translate maxDepth to -1,
Here and in the native code, passing MAX_INTEGER would dump the entire stack, there is no need to special case it

565: checking count >= maxDepth is a sufficient test if to dump all frames, passing MAX_INTEGER is used
      and it will dump zero should a negative number get this far.

Thanks, Roger

On 8/3/2017 10:18 AM, Ujwal Vangapally wrote:
kindly use the below link for accessing webrev


previously shared link is no longer accessible hence providing this new link.



On 8/3/2017 3:08 PM, Ujwal Vangapally wrote:

kindly review the changes made.


webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~uvangapally/webrev/2017/8185003/webrev.00/

CSR: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8185705



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