yes will include that in the new webrev.



On 8/4/2017 8:08 PM, mandy chung wrote:
I haven't reviewed the change. I will look at the new webrev next week. I think this getThreadInfo method:

getThreadInfo(long[] ids, boolean lockedMonitors, boolean lockedSynchronizers);

should allow specifying the maxDepth too.


On 8/3/17 11:30 PM, Ujwal Vangapally wrote:
Thanks for the review Daniel, Mandy, Roger, Erik.

I will make changes accordingly and come up with new webrev soon.


On 8/4/2017 5:42 AM, Mandy Chung wrote:
On Aug 3, 2017, at 2:10 PM, Daniel Fuchs <> wrote:

Hi Mandy,

On 03/08/17 21:04, Mandy Chung wrote:
Adding a public method to an interface is an incompatible source change unless there is a default body. On the other hand I am not sure how MXBean proxies will work when proxying an interface containing a default body. It would be interesting to check this.

ThreadMXBean is a platform MXBean and so JDK implementation is the one implementing it. The real question here is that when MBeanServerConnection.invoke is called on this new method that does not exist in the remote MBeanServer (running on JDK 9 for example), does it get Or something else?
I believe that will be a ReflectionException:

Similarly, when the client gets a proxy of ThreadMXBean from a remote MBeanServer running on JDK 9 VM, and it calls this method, what exception does it get? We may need to update the spec to indicate this error cases if it’s not clear. The notes in ManagementFactory.newPlatformMXBeanProxy covers some cases due to the difference in the client/server are running on.
AFAIK that should be handled by the proxy code - I'd expect that you
will get an UndeclaredThrowableException wrapping the ReflectionException.
Thanks. That’s what I think but need assurance. We should add tests to verify.


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