Hi Mandy,

This looks very good.

In the API documentation of ThreadInfo::from, below the table
that lists the attributes of StackTraceElement, I wonder if the
following text should be added for completeness:

```A CompositeData representing a MonitorInfo of version N must contain a lockedStackTrace attribute that is either null if stackDepth < 0, or is a CompositeData representing a StackTraceElement of version N.```

What do you think?

best regards,

-- danie

On 27/02/2018 20:31, mandy chung wrote:
I made further edits to the javadoc and I am happy with this version (move out the attributes for StackTraceElement as a separate table).





On 2/27/18 10:55 AM, mandy chung wrote:
Good point, Jeremy.  I notice some strange-ness when I wrote it but
wasn't able to pin point the error.  Daniel also suggests to clarify
MonitorInfo as well.

Does this version look better?
      * Returns a {@code ThreadInfo} object represented by the
      * given {@code CompositeData}.
      * <a id="attributes"></a>
      * A {@code CompositeData} representing a {@code ThreadInfo} of
      * version <em>N</em> must contain all of the attributes defined
      * in version &le; <em>N</em> unless specified otherwise.
      * Same rule applies transitively to attributes whose type or
      * component type is {@code CompositeType}.
      * <p>
      * A {@code CompositeData} representing {@code ThreadInfo} of version
      * <em>N</em> contains {@code "stackTrace"} attribute representing
      * an array of {@code StackTraceElement} of version <em>N</em>.
      * The {@code "lockedMonitors"} attribute represents
      * an array of {@link MonitorInfo} of version <em>N</em>
      * which implies that its {@code "lockedStackFrame"} attribute also
      * represents {@code StackTraceElement} of the same version, <em>N</em>.
      * Otherwise, this method will throw {@code IllegalArgumentException}.


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