Hi Peter,

JMX agents support JAAS based authentication. The login module - Krb5LoginModule along with JAAS can be used to setup Kerberos-based authentication for JMX.

A JAAS config file for Kerberos clients could look like,

kerberosClient {
       com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required

where the configuration options for above login module can be found at,

The default JMX agent can be started by setting below two system properties.

1. com.sun.management.jmxremote.login.config - The JAAS entry in config file above
2. java.security.auth.login.config - The path to the above file


java -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=5000
     -jar MyApplication.jar

I have not tried the steps above myself but should work in theory. Give it a try and let me know if it works.


On Monday 11 June 2018 06:44 PM, Péter Gergely Horváth wrote:
Hi All,

I have been working with Big Data for a while and I have seen that a number of the components have started to have their own custom baked solutions (minimalistic Web UIs) for basic management operations, like showing metrics, debugging etc instead of using JMX.

I have the feeling that getting JMX working for dozens of different Java services within a large cluster is an overly tough task, especially if you do not want to make compromises around security. For me it seems, that at the moment there is a gap between what the JDK offers regarding JMX monitoring/management and what people would need in a real world setting to use iteffectively in an easy and secure way.

I am wondering if it would be possible to implement a Kerberos-based authentication mechanism for JMX, allowing all services of a cluster to authenticate JMX clients against a centrally managed Kerberos service, that would also be officially supported by VisualVM so as to give an easy-to-use user interface.

Based on my understanding, this could either be a new protocol implementation or assuming JDK-8171311: REST APIs for JMX gets done, an additional feature around there to support GSS Negotiate/SPNEGO based authentication.

Could you please share your thoughts on this? Would anyone be interested to sponsor this topic?


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