On Mon, 18 Sep 2023 11:55:24 GMT, Axel Boldt-Christmas <abold...@openjdk.org> 

> CDS tests are not happy with changing the class hierarchy of the LingeredApp. 
> Unless it is easily solved for the CDS test I will revert those changes and 
> have the 'TestObjectMonitorIterate' just do a less precise check of a lock on 
> a Object. In the current JDK for LM_LEGACY and LM_LIGHTWEIGHT the 
> `steadyStateObj` is the only Object object with a monitor when the SA agent 
> queries.

I preferred your original fix to the test. Can you explain what the CDS issue 
test was? The tests shouldn't be written in such a way that makes it hard to 
extend functionality in LingeredApp.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/15782#issuecomment-1724188868

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