Puneet Gupta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi
> I am new to servlets.
> Can any body please tell me whether we need to specify each servlet in the
> web.xml file.
> If I write 25 servlets and some of these servlets are called from jsp and
> servlets.Do we still need to register all the 25 servlets in web.xml file.
> Is there any way in which I don't require to specify some of the servlets in
> the web.xml file.

Nearlly all servlets have to be registered in the web.xml.

The exceptions are:

- you are not required to register JSPs.

- some servlet containers support a "/servlets/" directory that you
  can put servlets in to be autoloaded (this was how servlets were
  first loaded into webservers way back in the 1950s)

Nic Ferrier

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