call me sheep-ripper...

Am 2012-10-25 10:08, schrieb MORITA Kazutaka:
So far, I've not encountered situations where my patch shows worse
performance.  In most cases, queue_work is called only from one
thread, so serializing at queue_work is unlikely to be a problem.
Another contention is between queue_work and worker_routine, but
worker threads spend the most of time doing disk I/Os and it also
couldn't be a problem on my environment.

Master Branch from today...

# collie vdi create test 1G
# ./vditest test -w -B 4096 -a

First try, some sheeps die and the vdis had failed objects.
After shutting down the remaining sheeps, restart all and
wait for recovery finished the test vdi was gone... (no
logs available, sorry)

Second try, the gateway process hangs and write a lot of
this to the logfile...
Oct 25 13:47:01 [main] listen_handler(839) failed to
accept a new connection: Too many open files

Without -a parameter it works...
First try...
# ./vditest test -w -B 4096
options: -B 4096:4096 -c writethrough -D 0:100 -o 0
         -p linear -s 1351165854 -S 0:1073741824 -T 10 -f -1
Total write throughput: 256409.6B/s (250.4K/s), IOPS 62.6/s.

After the 10th run of the same command
# ./vditest test -w -B 4096
options: -B 4096:4096 -c writethrough -D 0:100 -o 0
         -p linear -s 1351166058 -S 0:1073741824 -T 10 -f -1
Total write throughput: 1862041.6B/s (1.8M/s), IOPS 454.6/s.

And the throughput and IOPS are still increasing with each
additional test...

Any additional hints for me how to continue with testing?

# collie node list
M   Id   Host:Port         V-Nodes       Zone
-    0          0 1023475722
-    1          0 1040252938
-    2         64 1040252938
-    3         64 1040252938
-    4         64 1040252938
-    5          0 1057030154
-    6         64 1057030154
-    7         64 1057030154
-    8         64 1057030154

Thanks Bastian
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