Shorewall 3.2.5 is now available.

Beginning with this release, there will be a single set of Release Notes and a
single changelog; these release documents are included in both the Shorewall and
Shorewall Lite packeges.

The Release Notes are attached.

Tom Eastep    \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool
Shoreline,     \
PGP Public Key   \
Shorewall 3.2.5

 Note to users upgrading from Shorewall 2.x or 3.0

    Most problems associated with upgrades come from two causes:

    - The user didn't read and follow the migration considerations in
      these release notes.

    - The user mis-handled the /etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf file
      during upgrade. Shorewall is designed to allow the default
      behavior of the product to evolve over time. To make this
      possible, the design assumes that you will not replace your
      current shorewall.conf file during upgrades. If you feel
      absolutely compelled to have the latest comments and options in
      your shorewall.conf then you must proceed carefully.

    While you are at it, if you have a file named
    /etc/shorewall/rfc1918 then please check that file. If it has
    addresses listed that are NOT in one of these three ranges, then
    please rename the file to /etc/shorewall/rfc1918.old.
 - - -

    If you have a file named /etc/shorewall/modules, please remove
    it. The default modules file is now located in /usr/share/shorewall.

    Please see the "Migration Considerations" below for additional upgrade

Problems Corrected in 3.2.5

1)  Entries such as the following in /etc/shorewall/masq generate a
    run-time error:

           eth0    eth1!  

    Omitting the exclusion (! avoids the error.

2)  Previously, the 'provider' portion of the packet mark was not being
    cleared after routing for traffic that originates on the firewall

3)  In prior releases, it was not possible to mark an outgoing packet
    with a high mark (HIGH_ROUTE_MARKS=Yes) when the packet originated
    on the firewall itself.

4)  The detected capabilities were not displayed by 'shorewall dump'
    when the effective VERBOSITY was less than 2.

Other changes in 3.2.5

1)  For users whose kernel and iptables have Extended MARK Target
    support, it is now possible to logically AND or OR a value into the
    current packet mark by preceding the mark value (and optional mask)
    with an ampersand ("&") or vertical bar ("|") respectively.

    Example: To logically OR the value 4 into the mark value for
    packets from


2)  A new macro (macro.RDP) has been added for Microsoft Remote
    Desktop. This macro was contributed by Tuomo Soini.

3)  A new 'maclog' extension file has been added. This file is
    processed just before logging based on the setting of
    MACLIST_LOG_LEVEL is done. When the script is copyied at compile
    time, the CHAIN variable will contain the name of the chain where
    rules should be inserted. Remember that if you have specified
    MACLIST_TABLE=mangle, then your run_iptables commands should
    include "-t mangle".

4)  Beginning with this release, Shorewall and Shorewall lite will
    share the same change log and release notes.

Migration Considerations:

 1)  If you are upgrading from Shorewall 2.x, it is essential that you
     read the Shorewall 3.0.8 (or later) release notes:

 2)  A number of macros have been split into two.  The macros affected


     Each of these macros now handles only traffic on the native
     (plaintext) port.  There is a corresponding macro with S added to
     the end of the name for the SSL version of the same protocol.
     Thus each macro results in the insertion of only one port per

     The Web macro has not been split, but two new macros, HTTP and
     HTTPS have been created.  The Web macro is deprecated in favour of
     these new macros, and may be removed from future Shorewall

     These changes have been made to ensure no unexpected ports are
     opened due to the use of macros.

 3)  In previous Shorewall releases, DNAT and REDIRECT rules supported
     a special syntax for exclusion of a sub-zone from the effect of
     the rule.


         Z2 is a subzone of Z1:

         DNAT     Z1!Z2        loc:        ...

     That feature has never worked correctly when Z2 is a dynamic zone.
     Furthermore, now that Shorewall supports exclusion lists, the
     capability is redundant since the above rule can now be written in
     the form:

         DNAT     Z1:!<list of exclusions>   loc:   ...

     Beginning with Shorewall 3.2.0, the special exclusion syntax will no
     longer be supported.

 4)  Important if you use the QUEUE target.

     In the /etc/shorewall/rules file and in actions, you may now specify
     'tcp:syn' in the PROTO column. 'tcp:syn' is equivalent to 'tcp'
     but also requires that the SYN flag is set and the RST, FIN and
     ACK flags be off ("--syn" is added to the iptables rule).

     As part of this change, Shorewall no longer adds the "--syn" option
     to TCP rules that specify QUEUE as their target.

 5)  Extension Scripts may require change

     In previous releases, extension scripts were executed during [re]start
     by using the Bourne Shell "." operator. In addition to executing
     commands during [re]start, these scripts had to "save" the
     commands to be executed during "shorewall restore".

     This clumsiness has been eliminated in Shorewall 3.2. In Shorewall 3.2,
     extension scripts are copied in-line into the compiled program and are
     executed in-line during "start", "restart" and "restore". This
     applies to all extension scripts except those associated with a
     chain or action -- those extension scripts continue to be processed
     at compile time.

     This new approach has two implications for existing scripts.

     a)  It is no longer necessary to save the commands; so functions like
         'save_command', 'run_and_save_command' and
         'ensure_and_save_command' need no longer be called. For
         convenience, the generated program will supply functions with
         these names:

             save_command() - does nothing
             run_and_save_command() - runs the passed command
             ensure_and_save_command() - runs the passed command and
                                         stops/restores the firewall if the
                                         command fails.

         These functions should provide for transparent migration of
         scripts that use them until you can get around to eliminating
         their use completely.

     b)  When the extension script is copied into the compiled program,
         it is indented to line up with the surrounding code. If you
         have 'awk' installed on your system, the Shorewall compiler
         will correctly handle line continuation (last character on the
         line = "\"). If you do not have awk, it will not be possible
         to use line-continuation in your extension scripts.

         In no case is it possible to continue a quoted string over
         multiple lines without having additional whitespace inserted
         into the string.

 6)  Beginning with this release, the way in which packet marking in the
     PREROUTING chain interracts with the 'track' option in
     /etc/shorewall/providers has changed in two ways:

     a)  Packets arriving on a tracked interface are now passed to the
         PREROUTING marking chain so that they may be marked with a
         mark other than the 'track' mark (the connection still retains
         the 'track' mark).

     b)  When HIGH_ROUTE_MARKS=Yes, you can still clear the mark on packets
         in the PREROUTING chain (i.e., you can specify a mark value of

 7)  Previously, CLASSIFY tcrules were always processed out of the
     POSTROUTING chain. Beginning with this release, they are processed
     out of the POSTROUTING chain *except* when the SOURCE is
     $FW[:<address>] in which case the rule is processed out of the
     OUTPUT chain.

     With correctly-coded rulesets, this change should have no
     effect. Users having incorrectly-coded tcrules may need to change


         #MARK/          SOURCE  DEST    PROTO   DEST            SOURCE
         #CLASSIFY                               PORTS(S)        PORT(S)
         1:110           $FW     eth3    tcp     -               22

     While the user may have expected this rule to only affect traffic
     from the firewall itself, the rule was really equivalent to this one:

         #MARK/    SOURCE        DEST    PROTO   DEST            SOURCE
         #CLASSIFY                               PORTS(S)        PORT(S)
         1:110     eth3    tcp     -               22

     So after this change, the second rule will be required rather than
     the first if that is what was really wanted.

8)   The 'modules' file is now located in /usr/share/shorewall/. If you
     have an unmodified file /etc/shorewall/modules then please remove
     it if your package manager has not already done so. If you have
     modified the file to add additional modules, it should continue to
     work fine with this version of Shorewall.

     /usr/share/shorewall/modules contains a *lot* of modules. If you
     use module autoloading (which non-embedded Linux distributions
     do), then you can improve your "shorewall [re]start" time by
     trimming all but the helper modules from the file. To do that,
     create the file /etc/shorewall/modules with the following entries:

        loadmodule ip_conntrack_amanda
        loadmodule ip_conntrack_ftp
        loadmodule ip_conntrack_irc
        loadmodule ip_conntrack_netbios_ns
        loadmodule ip_conntrack_pptp
        loadmodule ip_conntrack_tftp
        loadmodule ip_nat_amanda
        loadmodule ip_nat_ftp
        loadmodule ip_nat_irc
        loadmodule ip_nat_pptp
        loadmodule ip_nat_snmp_basic
        loadmodule ip_nat_tftp

 New Features:

 1)  Shorewall has always been very noisy (lots of messages). No longer.

     You set the default level of verbosity using the VERBOSITY option in
     shorewall.conf. If you don't set it (as would be the case if you
     use your old shorewall.conf file) then VERBOSITY defaults to a
     value of 2 which results in behavior compatible with previous
     Shorewall versions. A value of 1 suppresses some of the output
     (like the old -q option did) while a value of 0 makes Shorewall
     almost silent. A value of -1 suppresses all output except warning
     and error messages.

     The value specified in the 3.2 shorewall.conf is 1. So you can make
     Shorewall as verbose as previously using a single -v and you can
     make it almost silent by using a single -q.

     If VERBOSITY is set at 2, you can still make a command nearly
     silent by using two "q"s (e.g., shorewall -qq restart).

     In summary, each "q" subtracts one from VERBOSITY while each "v"
     adds one to VERBOSITY.

     The "shorewall show log", "shorewall logwatch" and "shorewall dump"
     commands require VERBOSITY to be greater than or equal to 3 to
     display MAC addresses.This is consistent with the previous
     implementation which required a single -v to enable MAC display but
     means that if you set VERBOSITY=0 in shorewall.conf, then you will
     need to include -vvv in commands that display log records in order
     to have MACs displayed.

     To make the display of MAC addresses less cumbersome, a '-m'
     option has been added to the "show" and logwatch commands:

         shorewall show -m log
         shorewall logwatch -m

 2)  A new 'shorewall compile' command has been added.

      shorewall compile [ -e ] [ <config directory> ] <script file>


         -e                    Allows the generated script to run
                               on a system with Shorewall Lite installed.
                               Generates an error if the configuration uses
                               an option that would prevent the generated
                               script from running on a system other than
                               where the 'compile' command is running (see
                               additional consideration a) below).

         <config directory>    Is an optional directory to be searched for
                               configuration files prior to those listed
                               in CONFIG_PATH in
         <script file>         Is the name of the output file.

     The 'compile' command processes the configuration and generates a
     script file which may then be executed to configure the firewall.

     The generated script supports the following commands:

         start -   starts the firewall
         stop  -   stops the firewall
         clear -   clears the firewall (removes all iptables rules)
         restart - restarts the firewall
         status  - displays the firewall status
         version - displays the version of shorewall used to create the

     The generated script contains error checking and will terminate if an
     important command fails. Before terminating:

    a) The script will check for the existence of the restore script
       specified by the RESTOREFILE variable in shorewall.conf. If that
       restore script exists, it is executed.

    b) If the restore script doesn't exist but Shorewall appears to be
       installed on the system, the equivalent of an
       "/sbin/shorewall stop" command is executed.

    Some additional considerations:

    a) When you run 'compile' on one system and then run the generated script
       on another system under Shorewall Lite, there are certain limitations.

       1) The 'detectnets' interface option is not allowed.
       2) DYNAMIC_ZONES=Yes is not allowed.
       3) You must supply the file /etc/shorewall/capabilities to provide
          the compiler with knowledge of the capabilities of the system
          where the script is to be run. See below.
       4) If your /etc/shorewall/params file contains code other than simple
          assignment statements with contant values, then you should move
          that code to /etc/shorewall/init. That way, the code will be
          executed on the target system when the compiled script is run and
          not on the local system at compile time.

    b) If you run the "shorewall compile" or "shorewall check" commands under
       a user other than 'root', then you must supply

    c) To aid in building /etc/shorewall/capabilities, a 'shorecap' program
       is provided in the Shorewall Lite package and is installed in
       /usr/share/shorewall-lite/shorecap when you install Shorewall Lite.

       For instructions about running shorecap, see the comments at the
       top of the program file (it's a simple shell script).

    The "shorewall start" and "shorewall restart" commands have been
    rewritten to use compilation. They both compile a temporary program
    then run it. This results in a slightly longer elapsed time than the
    similar commands required under earlier versions of Shorewall but new
    connections are blocked for a much smaller percentage of that time.

    If an error is found during the compilation phase, /sbin/shorewall
    terminates and the Shorewall state is unchanged.

    Under Shorewall 3.1.5, "shorewall restart" takes roughly 16.5 seconds
    on my firewall:

        real    0m16.599s
        user    0m6.292s
        sys     0m9.885s

    Of the elapsed 16.5 seconds, new connections are disabled less than
    3.5 seconds. Here are some numbers for comparison:

    A) shorewall restart (Shorewall 3.0.4)

        real    0m17.540s
        user    0m5.956s
        sys     0m10.737s

    B) ./foo restart # foo created using "shorewall compile"

        real    0m3.297s
        user    0m1.444s
        sys     0m1.728s

    C) shorewall restore (Shorewall 3.0.4) # Restores from file generated by
                                           # "shorewall save"

        real    0m1.164s
        user    0m0.556s
        sys     0m0.608s

    D) shorewall restore (shorewall 3.1.5)

        real    0m1.637s
        user    0m0.728s
        sys     0m0.584s

    The time difference between B and C reflects the difference between
    "iptables-restore" and multiple executions of "iptables". The time
    difference between C and D results from the fact that the "restore"
    command in Shorewall 3.1 runs the compiled program in a way that
    turns all iptables commands into no-ops then invokes
    iptables-restore. The system is a 1.4Ghz Celeron with 512MB RAM.

    As a final part of this change, the "check" command now compiles the
    current configuration and writes the compiled output to /dev/null. So
    "check" performs all of the same validation that compile does. Note that
    there is still no guarantee that the generated script won't encounter
    run-time errors.

2)  The /etc/shorewall/maclist file has a new column layout. The first column
    is now DISPOSITION. This column determines what to do with matching
    packets and can have the value ACCEPT or DROP (if MACLIST_TABLE=filter, it
    can also contain REJECT). This change is upward compatible so your existing
    maclist file can still be used.

    ACCEPT, DROP and REJECT may be optionally followed by a log level to
    cause the packet to be logged.

4)  In macro files, you can now use the reserved words SOURCE and DEST
    in the columns of the same names. When Shorewall expands the
    macro, it will substitute the SOURCE from the macro invocation for
    SOURCE and the DEST from the invocation for DEST. This allows you
    to write macros that act in both directions (from source to destination
    and from destination to source).



            PARAM      SOURCE        DEST      udp     500
            PARAM      DEST          SOURCE    udp     500


            FOO/ACCEPT    fw         net

        Resulting rules:

            ACCEPT        fw         net        udp     500
            ACCEPT        net        fw         udp     500

    This new feature has been used to implement the SMBBI macro.
    SMBBI is the same as the SMB macro with the exception that
    it passes SMB traffic in both directions whereas SMB only
    passes that traffic in one direction.

5)  In the /etc/shorewall/rules file and in actions, you may now specify
    'tcp:syn' in the PROTO column. 'tcp:syn' is equivalent to 'tcp' but also
    requires that the SYN flag is set and the RST, FIN and ACK flags be
    off ("--syn" is added to the iptables rule).

    As part of this change, Shorewall no longer adds the "--syn" option
    to TCP rules that specify QUEUE as their target.

6)  /sbin/shorewall now supports a "-t" option that causes all progress
    messages to be timestamped.

    Example (VERBOSITY=0 in shorewall.conf):

    gateway:/etc/shorewall # shorewall -t restart
    07:08:51 Compiling...
    07:09:05 Shorewall configuration compiled to /var/lib/shorewall/.restart
    07:09:05 Restarting Shorewall....
    07:09:08 done.
    gateway:/etc/shorewall #

7)  A 'refreshed' extension script has been added -- it is executed after
    "shorewall refresh" has finished.

8)  Two new dynamic blacklisting commands have been added:

        logdrop -- like 'drop' but causes the dropped packets to be logged.

        logreject -- like 'reject' but causes the rejected packets to be

    Packets are logged at the BLACKLIST_LOGLEVEL if one was specified at the
    last "shorewall [re]start"; otherwise, they are logged at the 'info'
    log level.

9)  A new IMPLICIT_CONTINUE option has been added to shorewall.conf. When
    this option is set to "Yes", it causes subzones to be treated differently
    with respect to policies.

    Subzones are defined by following their name with ":" and a list of parent
    zones (in /etc/shorewall/zones). Normally, you want to have a set of
    special rules for the subzone and if a connection doesn't match any of
    those subzone-specific rules then you want the parent zone rules and
    policies to be applied. With IMPLICIT_CONTINUE=Yes, that happens

    If IMPLICIT_CONTINUE=No or if IMPLICIT_CONTINUE is not set, then
    subzones are not subject to this special treatment.

    With IMPLICIT_CONTINUE=Yes, an implicit CONTINUE policy may be overridden
    by including an explicit policy (one that does not specify "all" in either
    the SOURCE or the DEST columns).



        prnt       ipv4
        chld:prnt  ipv4

    Traffic to/from the 'chld' zone will first pass through the applicable
    'chld' rules and if none of those rules match then it will be passed through
    the appropriate 'prnt' rules. If the connection request does not match
    any of the 'prnt' rules then the relevant 'prnt' policy is applied.

    If you want the fw->chld policy to be ACCEPT, simply add this entry to

        $FW      chld        ACCEPT

    Traffic from all other zones to 'chld' will be subject to the implicit
    CONTINUE policy.

10) Shorewall now includes support for explicit routing rules when the
    /etc/shorewall/providers file is used. A new file,
    /etc/shorewall/route_rules can be used to add routing rules based on
    packet source and/or destination.

    The file has the following columns:

                SOURCE(optonal) An ip address (network or host) that
                                matches the source IP address in a packet.
                                May also be specified as an interface
                                name optionally followed by ":" and an
                                address. If the define 'lo' is specified,
                                the packet must originate from the firewall

                DEST(optional)  An ip address (network or host) that
                                matches the destination IP address in a packet.

                                If you choose to omit either SOURCE or DEST,
                                place "-" in the column. Note that you
                                may not omit both SOURCE and DEST.

                PROVIDER        The provider to route the traffic through.
                                May be expressed either as the provider name
                                or the provider number. You may also specify
                                the 'main' routing table here, either by
                                name or by number (254).

                                The rule's priority which determines the order
                                in which the rules are processed.

                                1000-1999   Before Shorewall-generated
                                            'MARK' rules

                                11000- 11999 After 'MARK' rules but before
                                            Shorewall-generated rules for
                                            provider interfaces.

                                26000-26999 After provider interface rules but
                                            before 'default' rule.

                                Rules with equal priority are applied in
                                the order in which they appear in the file.

    Example 1: You want all traffic coming in on eth1 to be routed to the ISP1

            #PROVIDER   PRIORITY        SOURCE                  DEST
            ISP1        1000            eth1

    Example 2: You use OpenVPN (routed setup /tunX) in combination with multiple
               providers. In this case you have to set up a rule to ensure that
               the OpenVPN traffic is routed back through the tunX interface(s)
               rather than through any of the providers. is the
               subnet choosen in your OpenVPN configuration (server

        #SOURCE                 DEST            PROVIDER        PRIORITY
        -                  main            1000

11) Prior to now, it has not been possible to use connection marking in
    /etc/shorewall/tcrules if you have a multi-ISP configuration that uses the
    'track' option.

    Beginning with this release, you may now set HIGH_ROUTE_MARKS=Yes in
    shorewall.conf to effectively divide the packet mark and connection mark
    into two 8-bit mark fields.

    When you do this:

        a) The MARK field in the providers file must have a value that is
           less than 65536 and that is a multiple of 256 (using hex
           representation, the values are 0x0100-0xFF00 with the low-order
           8 bits being zero).

        b) You may only set those mark values in the PREROUTING chain.

        c) Marks used for traffic shaping must still be in the range of 1-255
           and may still not be set in the PREROUTING chain.

        d) When you SAVE or RESTORE in tcrules, only the TC mark value is
           saved or restored. Shorewall handles saving and restoring the
           routing (provider) marks.

12) A TOS column has been added to /etc/shorewall/tcrules. This allows marking
    based on the contents of the TOS field in the packet header.

13) Beginning with this release, the way in which packet marking in the
    PREROUTING chain interracts with the 'track' option in 
    has changed in two ways:

    a)  Packets *arriving* on a tracked interface are now passed to the 
        marking chain so that they may be marked with a mark other than the
        'track' mark (the connection still retains the 'track' mark).

    b)  When HIGH_ROUTE_MARKS=Yes, you can still clear the mark on packets
        in the PREROUTING chain (i.e., you can specify a mark value of zero).

14) Shorewall will now attempt to detect the MTU of devices listed in
    /etc/shorewall/tcdevices and will use the detected MTU in setting
    up traffic shaping.

15) In /etc/shorewall/rules, the values "all-" and "all+-" may now be
    used for zone names. "all-" means "All zones except the firewall";
    "all+-" means "All zones except the firewall" and intra-zone
    traffic is included.

16) Shorewall now checks to see if devices in /etc/shorewall/tcdevices
    exist. If a device does not exist, a warning message is issued and
    that device's entries in /etc/shorewall/tcclasses are ignored. This
    applies to "shorewall start", "shorewall restart" and "shorewall

17) "load" and "reload" commands have been added. These commands allow
    a non-root user with ssh access to a remote system running
    Shorewall Lite to compile a firewall script on the local system and
    to install that script on the remote system.

    Syntax is:

           shorewall [re]load [ <directory> ] <system>

    If <directory> is omitted, the current working directory is

    The command is equivalent to:

    /sbin/shorewall compile -e <directory> firewall &&\
    scp firewall root@<system>:/var/lib/shorewall-lite/ &&\
    ssh root@<system> '/sbin/shorewall-lite [re]start' # Note 1

    In other words, the configuration in the specified (or defaulted)
    directory is compiled to a file called firewall in that
    directory. If compilation succeeds, then 'firewall' is copied to the
    (usually remote) <system> using scp. If the copy succeeds,
    Shorewall Lite on <system> is started or restarted via ssh (
    load causes Shorewall Lite to be started and 'reload' causes
    Shorewall Lite to be re-started)

    Note 1: In Shorewall Lite 3.2.0 RC4, the 'firewall' script has moved
    from /usr/share/shorewall-lite/ to /var/lib/shorewall-lite in
    packages from The package maintainers for the
    various distributions are free to choose the directory where the
    script will be stored under their distribution by altering the
    value of LITEDIR in /usr/share/shorewall/configpath. You can run the
    "shorewall show config" command to see how your distribution
    defines LITEDIR.

Problems corrected in 3.2.1

1)  The output formatting of the 'hits' command under BusyBox 1.2.0 has
    been corrected.

2)  Shorewall no longer requires extended MARK support to use the 'track'
    provider option when HIGH_ROUTE_MARKS=No.

3)  The output of the 'hits' command was previously scrambled if
    /etc/services contained spaces as column delimiters rather than

4)  The /usr/share/shorewall/xmodules file was previously just a copy
    of /usr/share/shorewall/modules.

5)  The version number in the comments at the top of shorewall.conf has
    been corrected.

6)  The script generated when the -e option is given to the 'compile'
    command is  setting CONFIG_PATH to the value given in the remote
    firewall's shorewall.conf processed at compile time. This is
    generally incorrect and results in the inability to load any kernel
    modules on the firewall during 'shorewall-lite [re]start'.

Problems Corrected in 3.2.2

1)  Previously, the "shorewall stop" command would create empty files
    named /nat and /proxyarp.

2)  Scripts compiled for export did not support the 'reset' command. As
    a result, on firewall systems running Shorewall Lite the command
    "shorewall-lite reset" failed.

Other changes in 3.2.2

1)  The way in which options in /etc/shorewall-lite/shorewall.conf are
    handled has been changed. Previously, problems would occur if
    options were set differently in the shorewall.conf file located in
    a firewall's export directory on the administrative system and in
    /etc/shorewall-lite/shorewall.conf on the firewall system.

    To eliminate those problems, both Shorewall and Shorewall Lite have
    been modified. Now, settings in /etc/shorewall-lite/shorewall.conf
    override settings from the export directory. Any variable not set
    (or set to the empty value) in /etc/shorewall-lite/shorewall.conf
    will get its value from the shorewall.conf file in the firewall's
    export directory (see
    http://www.shorewall.conf/CompiledPrograms.html for a description
    of "export directories").

    The "shorewall compile -e" and "shorewall [re]load" commands now
    create two files -- the script file and an auxiliary configuration
    file. The name of the auxiliary configuration file is formed by
    appending ".conf" to the name of the firewall script. So, the
    "[re]load" command now creates both 'firewall' and 'firewall.conf'
    and the command copies both files to /var/lib/shorewall-lite/ on
    the firewall system.

    The shorewall.conf file released with Shorewall Lite now sets no
    option values. So by default, the options that the firewall
    system will use are determined entirely by the shorewall.conf file
    in the export directory.

    If you are upgrading from an earlier 3.2 release, I recommend that
    you modify your /etc/shorewall-lite/shorewall.conf file(s) to set
    all variables to the empty value (e.g., IPTABLES= ). This will
    allow your Shorewall Lite installation(s) to conform to the new
    option convention. Both the administrative system and the firewalls
    must be running 3.2.2 or later and each firewall's configuration
    must be recompiled and re-exported for changes to take effect.

2)  The 'shorewall show capabilites' command now accepts a '-f' (file)
    option (e.g., shorewall show -f capabilities). When '-f' is given,
    the output is the same as the output from the 'shorecap' program
    that is included in Shorewall Lite and can be used to generate a
    capabilities file for use during compilation.

    WARNING: The output is only meaningful when the command is run by

3)  The manner in which Shorewall determines the presence of the
    'physdev match' capability has been modified to accomodate the
    upcoming kernel change that will remove much of the functionality
    of the match.

4)  The script now supports a -n option:

        ./ -n

    When -n is given, no backup of the current configuration is
    performed. This is used primarily by Shorewall developers as it
    allows repeated installs of the same version without destroying
    the backup of the prior version.

5)  The "shorewall [re]load" command(s) now support a -s option:


        shorewall reload -s gateway

    The option causes the configuration on the firewall to be saved if
    [re]start is successfull.

6)  A new 'optional' option has been added to
    /etc/shorewall/providers. If this option is specified, if the
    interface specified in the INTERFACES column isn't up and
    configured with an IPv4 address then a warning message is issued
    and the provider is not configured.

 Problems Corrected in 3.2.3

 1)  A problem in '' resulted in sandbox violations on
     Gentoo and, when Shorewall is installed using an RPM, the problem
     caused an incorrect copy of shorewall.conf to be installed in

 2)  A typo in the functions file caused startup errors when the user's
     distribution did not support a true mktemp program (such as
     Bering Uclibc). Patch courtesy of Cédric Schieli.

 3)  Several erroneous references to ip_addr_del() were made in
     /var/lib/shorewall/compiler and in the code that it generates.

     a) These should have been references to del_ip_addr()
     b) One of the calls also had an incorrect parameter list.

 4)  Previously, "shorewall check -e" would erroneously attempt to
     detect interfaces configured for traffic shaping.

 5)  SUBSYSLOCK functionality has been restored.

 6)  In prior versions, setting 'mss=' in /etc/shorewall/zones did not
     affect traffic to/from the firewall zone. That has been corrected.

 7)  When /sbin/shorewall was run under BusyBox ash, shell errors would
     occur if certain command options were given.

 8)  Previously, the 'optional' provider option did not detect the case
     where the interface was DOWN but still had a configured IP
     address. Shorewall was detecting such interfaces as UP and later
     'ip replace route' commands would fail.

     It should also be clarified that the 'optional' option is intended
     to detect cases where a provider interface is in a state that would
     cause 'shorewall [re]start' to fail; it is not intended to
     determine whether communication is possible using the interface.

 9)  Previously, the "shorewall add" command would fail with error
     messages indicating that the commands "chain_exists" and
     "verify_hosts_file" could not be found.

 10) Using earlier Shorewall versions, the following sequence of
     commands produced inconsistant results:

     a) shorewall [re] start
     b) Modify /etc/shorewall/tcdevices and/or /etc/shorewall/tcclasses
     c) shorewall refresh
     d) shorewall save
     e) shorewall restore (or reboot and shorewall start -f during boot

     After that series of commands, the state of traffic shaping was as
     it was after step a) rather than as it was after step c). The fix
     involved re-implementing 'shorewall refresh' as a compile/execute
     procedure similar to [re]start. While the entire configuration is
     recompiled, only ecn, blacklisting, tcrules and traffic control
     will be updated in the running configuration.

 11) DNAT rules generated under DETECT_DNAT_IPADDRS=Yes may have been
     incorrect with the result that the rules didn't work at all.

 Other changes in 3.2.3

 1)  A 'shorewall export' command has been added.

     shorewall export [ <directory1> ] [EMAIL PROTECTED]<system>:[<directory2>]

     If <directory1> is omitted, then the current working directory is

     Causes the shorewall configuration in <directory1> to be compiled
     into a program called '<directory1>/firewall'. If compilation is
     successful, the '<directory1>/firewall' script is copied via scp
     to the specified <system>.


         shorewall export [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

     This command would compile the configuration in the current working
     directory then copy the 'firewall' (and 'firewall.conf') files to
     admin's home directory on system 'gateway'.

 2)  Normally, Shorewall tries to protect users from themselves by
     preventing PREROUTING and OUTPUT tcrules from being applied to
     packets that have been marked by the 'track' option in

     If you really know what you are doing and understand packet marking
     thoroughly, you can set TC_EXPERT=Yes in shorewall.conf and
     Shorewall will not include these cautionary checks.

 3)  Previously, CLASSIFY tcrules were always processed out of the
     POSTROUTING chain. Beginning with this release, they are processed
     out of the POSTROUTING chain *except* when the SOURCE is
     $FW[:<address>] in which case the rule is processed out of the
     OUTPUT chain.

     See the Migration Considerations section for further information.

 4)  Previously, if you specified 'detectnets' on an interface with a
     default route, Shorewall would ignore the default route with a
     warning message. This could lead to systems that were inaccessible
     from the net, even from systems listed in the 'routestopped' file.

     Specifying 'detectnets' on an interface with a default route now
     generates a fatal error.

Problems Corrected in 3.2.4

1)  Previously, the directory name in the command "shorewall start
    <directory name>" was being dropped by "/sbin/shorewall".

2)  Previous, when /usr/share/shorewall/xmodules had been copied to
    /etc/shorewall/modules, Shorewall was not looking in the correct
    directory for the "xt_..." modules. There are two parts to the fix:

    - The /usr/share/shorewall/xmodules file has been removed. The
      /usr/share/shorewall/modules file will now load all required
      modules regardless of which kernel version you are running.
    - The MODULESDIR option can now contain a colon-separated list of
      directories to search for modules with the default being:

      /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter:/lib/modules/$(uname 

3)  Rules in /etc/shorewall/tos which specify zones defined
    using entries in /etc/shorewall/hosts applied to all traffic
    to/from the zone interfaces (the bridge port, ipset or IP
    address(es) in the zone definition were ignored).

4)  Previously, 'shorewall-lite dump' did not report traffic shaping
    information even if TC_ENABLED was set to Yes or Internal in the
    shorewall.conf file used to compile the exported firewall script.

    To correct this problem, the firewall script must be recompiled and

5)  Previously, errors during the compile phase were not reflected in
    the exit status of /sbin/shorewall. Thanks to Tuomo Soini for
    finding and correcting this problem.

Other changes in 3.2.4

1)  Previously, scripts compiled for export (-e option) depended on
    /usr/share/shorewall-lite/functions in order to run correctly. This
    made it possible for a compiled script to be incompatible with the
    version of Shorewall Lite installed on a firewall system.

    Beginning with Shorewall 3.2.4, this dependency is removed such
    that version incompatibility between Shorewall and Shorewall Lite
    should not be a concern going forward.

2)  Two new macros have been added, courtesy of Tuomo Soini


3)  The output of "shorewall show macros" has been enhanced to show
    macros in each directory in the CONFIG_PATH.

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