On 8/6/2018 12:07 PM, daniel_1983--- via Shorewall-users wrote:
> On August 5, 2018 5:11 PM, Matt Darfeuille <matd...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> In your rules file, all your rules are in the '?SECTION ALL', I'm
>> assuming that it is done on purpose?
> Not necessarily, I thought that was the widest encompassing section to get 
> the maximum of incoming packets from whitelisted networks or to whitelisted 
> ports. I was afraid that some packets couldn't make it if I put the rules in 
> more restricting sections.
>> If no, please change '?SECTION ALL' to '?SECTION NEW' and try again.
> Ok will try that and report back.
>> You are using an unsupported version of Shorewall (Shorewall
> That's what shipped/supported by my distro debian 8.10, I haven't upgraded to 
> 9.0 yet. But I might compile my own version if necessary.
> Thanks for your kind support !

Have a look at Tom's answer (1) and at this URL (2):

1)  https://sourceforge.net/p/shorewall/mailman/message/36385172/
2)  http://shorewall.org/download.htm#Distros

"If you run Debian and would like a .deb package, Shorewall is included
in the Debian Stable Branch, the Debian Testing Branch and the Debian
Unstable Branch.
Additionally, packages for the current Debian stable release are
available from the package maintainer's personal page. Those packages
are almost always more up-to-date than the ones in the Debian Stable

"If you want to install using a tarball (no compilation required) then
use the Standard Sites."

Matt Darfeuille

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