Am 12.10.18 um 00:54 schrieb Tom Eastep:
> On 10/11/2018 05:36 AM, Jan Bergner wrote:
>> Am 10.10.18 um 18:14 schrieb Tom Eastep:
>>> On 10/10/2018 07:04 AM, Jan Bergner wrote:
>>>> Dear shorewall-users list,
>>>> I have some virtual network interfaces due to the fact, I use
>>>> systemd-nspawn-containers which get names containing a minus sign. (The
>>>> scheme is basically "ve-MACHINE_NAME".)
>>>> Unfortunately, I cannot seem to find any indication on how to treat such
>>>> an interface name in, say, a zone assignment.
>>>> In particular, I would like to have an /etc/shorewall/interfaces like this:
>>>> net eth+ detect dhcp
>>>> nspa ve-m1 detect dhcp
>>>> nspa ve-m2 detect dhcp
>>>> nspb ve-m3 detect dhcp
>>>> nspb ve-m4 detect dhcp
>>>> oth + detect dhcp
>>>> However, this does not seem to be working; my interfaces end up in the
>>>> oth-zone, as can be expected, since this is my catch-all-zone, assuming
>>>> the ve-interfaces are not recognized, properly.)
>>>> Initially, I thought there mus be a simple way of escaping this, but I
>>>> could not seem to find it.
>>>> Can someone give me a hint?
>>>> Thanks in advance and best regards,
>>> Which Shorewall version are you using? Your interfaces file above is
>>> FORMAT 1, which suggests that the version is quite old.
>>> -Tom
>> Hello Tom,
>> thank you for your response.
>> On this particular system, we use the official version, shipped with
>> Debian 9. (
>> However, we produce some IoT devices, based on OpenEmbedded, that are
>> using version 4.4.14, and we try to use a config style that is working
>> for both versions.
>> Thus, we use the old format, indeed.
> Okay - I believe that something else is going on in your configuration
> that is causing the issue. It would be helpful if you would:
> a) shorewall show -f capabilities > /etc/shorewall/capabilities
> b) Tar up your /etc/shorewall/ directory and sent the tar file to me
> privately.
> Thanks!
> -Tom

Hello Tom,

actually, I just got it sorted out, myself - at least it would seem that

When you asked for capabilities, I noticed, that they differed from the
capabilities on another Debian-9-host.

The difference between the machines is, that my troublemaker system was
not freshly installed, but upgraded over quite some OS versions.

So, I replaced the shorewall.conf by the one from the
clean-install-system and created a test zone and it worked.

I guess that settles it, but I see that I should look into the new
config formats.

Anyway, thanks for your time. I appreciate it.

Best regards,


> _______________________________________________
> Shorewall-users mailing list
*Jan Bergner, M.Sc. *
Senior IT Administrator
*indurad GmbH*
*The Industrial Radar Company*
Belvedereallee 5
52070 Aachen, Germany
Office: + 49 241 538070-61
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