On 11/14/18 6:32 AM, Scott Beane wrote:
> Same Ulogd error here following shorewall's logging set up man page(s)
> <http://shorewall.org/shorewall_logging.html> to move iptables output
> into its own log file, in my case, shorewall.log.
> Sometimes, ulogd does not log to file.  Seems dependent upon when Ulogd
> is started by systemd. I am now starting it after shorewall. Note that
> it works without  ipt_ULOG being loaded nonetheless (see #3 below).

ipt_ULOG is only required to use the 'ULOG' log level.

> Ulogd appear to be needed, but I remain confused as to whether ulogd is
> doing anything or whether rsyslogd configure edits (see #5 below) are
> handling the correct logging or whether it takes both rsyslogd and ulogd.

NFLOG logging will be handled by ulogd - syslog logging (info, debug,
etc) will be handled by rsyslogd.


Tom Eastep        \   Q: What do you get when you cross a mobster with
Shoreline,         \     an international standard?
Washington, USA     \ A: Someone who makes you an offer you can't
http://shorewall.org \   understand

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