On Sunday December 12, 2010, MD wrote:
> 2) podboy is not able to play some mp3s, but I can't figure out how they
> differ from the ones that work. Basically I can't seem to play any mp3s
> that I encoded myself with lame. They play fine with the current
> non-testing SHR-t.

I ran into an issue with some mp3s that had a different sample rate.  To test 
this, you can try playing the file with the following command:

gst-launch -v filesrc location=name_of_your_file.mp3 ! mad ! audioconvert ! 
audioresample ! audio/x-raw-int, rate=44100 ! alsasink

If that will play the file, there is a patch Valery gave me to make Podboy 
play it that I can pass along.  However, with the patch, it won't play other 
files that it played with it.  So, I have a way to toggle using the patched 
code or not.

Podboy is by far my most used app.

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