On Thu, 16 May 2002 08:42:33 -0400 (EDT), Yuri Prokushev wrote:

>Ok. Lets make choice of documentation format.
>a) ipfc (output is inf)
>b) emxdoc (txt, ipf, html, TeX)
>c) hypertext/2 (ipf, ?)
>d) texinfo (texinfo, may be pdf, ps, html, ipf)
>e) other

I would go for e): DocBook

This is an XML based format which is used for all O'reilly books out
there. It's really great, I use it for our project work at university.
You can create HTML, PDF and many other formats out of it. It should
also be possible to write an ipfc converter for it (there are many
converters out there, you simply need an XSLT file to convert it).

It takes some time until you get used to it but afterwards it's great

URL: www.docbook.org

You can read the official O'reilly docbook book on this page, all tags
are explained.

I have the xerces converter here (java), on netlabs there is also a
binary of jade which is used for PDF creation



Adrian Gschwend
@ OS/2 Netlabs

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