On Thu, 23 May 2002 09:11:33 +0200 (CDT), Adrian Gschwend wrote:

>>Today I compiled win32 fpc demos under OS/2 via Odin32.
>>I can commit my odin32 dir to cvs. This allow us easely port Delphi apps wich uses 
>>Win32 API. We can add target "Odin32" for such applications.
>>This target can be considered as "Full Delphi emulation".
>This sounds really great, we talked about this idea on #netlabs month
>ago but noone started to implement it :-) Go ahead!
This thing not usefull until VCL compatable SPCC will be produced. But already lot of 
Delphi programs can be ported (which don't use VCL).

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