> >the first problems abong others is that make does not seem to handle
> >linebreaks correctly.
> >
> >any clues?
> Try another make.exe or change to correct lf/cr combination.
> Or wait until monday.

thanks. I will wait. I have not had much experiance with makefiles in recent
time. too much Java and Ant... :)

if I understand you correctly, you want to provide only the SPCC class
library, not the c->Pascal mapped OS/2 API. do you want the API as a
seperate project? or is this only due to lack of time?

one question: is the SPCC the original one from Sibyl, "only" ported? thus,
are some of the controls still not using the corresponting PM-APIs, but
implementing the code to paint themselves anew?

sorry, for those starter questiones.


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