Dear SIESTA's users

I have a question about the memory allocated for a calculation. Here is my 
problem : 
When I run an optimisation for a slab of Gold with an unit cell containing 15 
atoms with the following parameters : 
MD.TypeOfRun         cg
MD.NumCGsteps        250
MD.MaxCGDispl        0.1  Ang    
MD.MaxForceTol       0.03 eV/Ang   
MD.VariableCell      .true.      
 the calculation ended correctly and the memory alloacated is around 1200 MB

But when I  put a small molecule on the surface and run an optimisation process 
only for the molecule and the first layer of gold (i;e. 8 atoms in the unit 
cell in my case) - the others atoms are fixed in their position - with the 
keyword : 

MD.TypeOfRun         cg
MD.NumCGsteps        250
MD.MaxCGDispl        0.1  Ang    
MD.MaxForceTol       0.03 eV/Ang  
MD.VariableCell      .false.      

The run stop after a few cycles because the memory neeeded is too high ( > 2100 

In the first case I have a dynamic with 15 atoms and no problem but in the 
second case there are only 8 atoms to be optimised and it doesn't work. I don't 
understand why !!!

Thanks in advance 

David C.


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