Dear Marcos,

It seems like a very nice idea, but doesn't PDOS depend strongly on the
basis set, as well? I still think that the most  reliable choice would be to
work directly with the total spin density.

2007/4/23, Marcos Verissimo Alves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

This question has just come to discussion on the list in the last few
days... Using the mulliken populations would be one way of doing it.
Another would be to use Andrei Postnikov's tools for integration of charge
density over atomic spheres. Yet another way would be to calculate the
PDOS for each atom with a small smearing, then integrate over the energies
up to the Fermi level. Seems complicated but with some shell scripting,
sed and a small fortran/c program to integrate the PDOS it can be
accomplished without too much difficulty.



> Is it right if only use the value of "SPIN-UP - SPIN-DOWN" in Mulliken
> population analysis?
>> Dear Siesta usrers,
>> How to get the local magnetic moment of each atom in the clusters,
>> molecules, or solids using siesta code?
>> Best regards,
>> C. H. Hu

Dr. Marcos Verissimo Alves
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics Sector
International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Trieste, Italy


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