Dear all friends Hi, I try to compile parallel version of siesta according to Dr. Sébastien Le Roux's guide which I found on the web. I guess that I pass all steps of this instruction correctlly but finally my siesta is serial version when I run. I use Open suse 10.3, Openmpi and my fortran compiler is gfortran. I attached arch.make file which I use in compiling. After making of this file at the first I go to the siesta/src/mpi and run make command and then come back to the src folder and run make agian. There is not any error in during of complie but the executable siesta file is serial. I run it with following command: mpirun -np 2 siesta < input.fdf > output Would you please let me know what can I do?
Best Regrads Reza Kalantari-Nezhad PhD. Student AmirKabir University of Technology
# # This file is part of the SIESTA package. # # Copyright (c) Fundacion General Universidad Autonoma de Madrid: # E.Artacho, J.Gale, A.Garcia, J.Junquera, P.Ordejon, D.Sanchez-Portal # and J.M.Soler, 1996-2006. # # Use of this software constitutes agreement with the full conditions # given in the SIESTA license, as signed by all legitimate users. # .SUFFIXES: .SUFFIXES: .f .F .o .a .f90 .F90 SIESTA_ARCH=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu--Gfortran FPP= FPP_OUTPUT= FC=mpif90 RANLIB=echo SYS=nag SP_KIND=4 DP_KIND=8 KINDS=$(SP_KIND) $(DP_KIND) FFLAGS=-g -O2 FPPFLAGS= -DFC_HAVE_FLUSH -DFC_HAVE_ABORT LDFLAGS= ARFLAGS_EXTRA= FCFLAGS_fixed_f= FCFLAGS_free_f90= FPPFLAGS_fixed_F= FPPFLAGS_free_F90= BLAS_LIBS=$(HOME)/lapack-3.2.1/blas_LINUX.a LAPACK_LIBS=$(HOME)/lapack-3.2.1/lapack_LINUX.a BLACS_LIBS=$(HOME)/blacs/lib/blacsCinit_MPI-LINUX-0.a $(HOME)/blacs/lib/blacsF77init_MPI-LINUX-0.a $(HOME)/blacs/lib/blacs_MPI-LINUX-0.a SCALAPACK_LIBS=$(HOME)/scalapack-1.8.0/libscalapack.a COMP_LIBS=dc_lapack.a liblapack.a libblas.a NETCDF_LIBS= NETCDF_INTERFACE= LIBS=$(SCALAPACK_LIBS) $(BLACS_LIBS) $(LAPACK_LIBS) $(BLAS_LIBS) $(NETCDF_LIBS) #SIESTA needs an F90 interface to MPI #This will give you SIESTA's own implementation #If your compiler vendor offers an alternative, you may change #to it here. MPI_HOME=/usr/local MPI_INTERFACE=libmpi_f90.a MPI_INCLUDE=$(MPI_HOME)/include MPI_LIB=$(MPI_HOME)/lib DEFS_MPI=-DMPI #Dependency rules are created by autoconf according to whether #discrete preprocessing is necessary or not. .F.o: $(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS_fixed_F) $< .F90.o: $(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS_free_F90) $< .f.o: $(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS_fixed_f) $< .f90.o: $(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS_free_f90) $<