> On Jan 31, 2018, at 10:09 , Skeeve Stevens 
> <skeeve+sigpol...@eintellegonetworks.asia> wrote:
> Owen,
> Of course, there is the possibility (probability) of this, but that would be 
> stupid as the costs of maintaining companies would exceed CGN or other 
> methods to alleviate the need.

Maintaining? Once you do the merge, there’s no need to maintain.

Standing up a shell company is pretty cheap and easy in most places. I’m sure 
there’s at least one country somewhere in the APNIC region where this is true. 
If there’s no stricture on M&A acquisitions of 103/8 space, not even a minimal 
time limit, then I would argue it’s pretty hard to distinguish this activity 
from “real M&A” on a policy basis. After all, a real company (albeit a shell 
company, this is very hard to detect) is applying for and receiving space and 
then “really” being “acquired” by the “independent” organization that spun it 
up in the first place. On paper it’s 100% legitimate normal business practice 
and it’s virtually impossible to distinguish this from (e.g. 3Com spinning off 
Palm and then later acquiring it, then spinning it off where it was eventually 
acquired by HP).

I agree that 5 years is way too long and exceeds the useful delay here, but I 
think that a 24 month waiting period after acquiring is not at all unreasonable.


> The issue here is that APNIC needs to be satisfied it is a real M&A, which 
> should not be that hard to do.
> ...Skeeve
> Skeeve Stevens - Founder & The Architect - eintellego Networks (Cambodia) Pte 
> Ltd.
> Email: ske...@eintellegonetworks.asia <mailto:ske...@eintellegonetworks.asia> 
> ; Web: eintellegonetworks.asia <http://eintellegonetworks.asia/>
> Cell +61 (0)414 753 383 ; Skype: skeeve <>
> Facebook: eintellegonetworks <http://facebook.com/eintellegonetworks> ; 
> Twitter: eintellego <https://twitter.com/eintellego>
> LinkedIn: /in/skeeve <http://linkedin.com/in/skeeve> ; Expert360: Profile 
> <https://expert360.com/profile/d54a9> ; Keybase: https://keybase.io/skeeve 
> <https://keybase.io/skeeve>
> Elastic Fabrics - Elastic Engineers - Elastic ISPs - Elastic Enterprises
> On Thu, Feb 1, 2018 at 4:00 AM, Owen DeLong <o...@delong.com 
> <mailto:o...@delong.com>> wrote:
> I would argue that 257 probably represents a significant fraction of the 
> distributed portion of 103/8.
> I would be interested if staff can answer what percentage of the issued 103/8 
> resources have been subject
> to one or more M&A transfers since issuance. I’d be especially interested in 
> the number instances where
> the same entity has “acquired” more than entity that holds 103/8 block(s).
> I am concerned that there could be an emerging pattern of:
>       1.      Stand up shell entity
>       2.      Subscribe shell entity to APNIC and obtain 103/8 block.
>       3.      Merge shell entity into parent entity and M&A transfer block 
> into parent’s holdings.
>       4.      Lather, rinse, repeat.
> Owen
>> On Jan 31, 2018, at 08:47 , Skeeve Stevens 
>> <skeeve+sigpol...@eintellegonetworks.asia 
>> <mailto:skeeve+sigpol...@eintellegonetworks.asia>> wrote:
>> This number is so small in the scheme of things it should NOT have been 
>> enshrined in policy.
>> ...Skeeve
>> Skeeve Stevens - Founder & The Architect - eintellego Networks (Cambodia) 
>> Pte Ltd.
>> Email: ske...@eintellegonetworks.asia 
>> <mailto:ske...@eintellegonetworks.asia> ; Web: eintellegonetworks.asia 
>> <http://eintellegonetworks.asia/>
>> Cell +61 (0)414 753 383 ; Skype: skeeve <>
>> Facebook: eintellegonetworks <http://facebook.com/eintellegonetworks> ; 
>> Twitter: eintellego <https://twitter.com/eintellego>
>> LinkedIn: /in/skeeve <http://linkedin.com/in/skeeve> ; Expert360: Profile 
>> <https://expert360.com/profile/d54a9> ; Keybase: https://keybase.io/skeeve 
>> <https://keybase.io/skeeve>
>> Elastic Fabrics - Elastic Engineers - Elastic ISPs - Elastic Enterprises
>> On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 1:11 PM, Guangliang Pan <g...@apnic.net 
>> <mailto:g...@apnic.net>> wrote:
>> Hi Aftab,
>> The number of M&A transfers involved 103/8 address block from 15 April 2011 
>> to 14 Sep 2017 is 257.
>> Kind regards,
>> Guangliang
>> ==========
>> From: Aftab Siddiqui [mailto:aftab.siddi...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:aftab.siddi...@gmail.com>] 
>> Sent: Monday, 29 January 2018 8:49 PM
>> To: Guangliang Pan <g...@apnic.net <mailto:g...@apnic.net>>
>> Cc: Sanjeev Gupta <sanj...@dcs1.biz <mailto:sanj...@dcs1.biz>>; 
>> mailman_SIG-policy <sig-pol...@apnic.net <mailto:sig-pol...@apnic.net>>
>> Subject: Re: [sig-policy] prop-123-v001: Modify 103/8 IPv4 transfer policy 
>> Hi Guangliang,
>> How many M&A were processed for 103/8 address block from 15 April 2011 to 14 
>> Sep 2017.
>> On Mon, 29 Jan 2018 at 06:43 Guangliang Pan <g...@apnic.net 
>> <mailto:g...@apnic.net>> wrote:
>> Hi Sanjeev,
>> The number of delegations from 103/8 pool since 29 Jan 2013 (Five years 
>> count back from today) to 14 Sep 2017 is 10868. These are the delegations 
>> are not allowed to transfer as of today according to prop-116-v006.
>> Kind regards,
>> Guangliang
>> =========
>> From: sig-policy-boun...@lists.apnic.net 
>> <mailto:sig-policy-boun...@lists.apnic.net> 
>> [mailto:sig-policy-boun...@lists.apnic.net 
>> <mailto:sig-policy-boun...@lists.apnic.net>] On Behalf Of Sanjeev Gupta
>> Sent: Monday, 29 January 2018 3:34 PM
>> To: Henderson Mike, Mr <michael.hender...@nzdf.mil.nz 
>> <mailto:michael.hender...@nzdf.mil.nz>>
>> Cc: mailman_SIG-policy <sig-pol...@apnic.net <mailto:sig-pol...@apnic.net>>
>> Subject: Re: [sig-policy] prop-123-v001: Modify 103/8 IPv4 transfer policy 
>> Hi,
>> I see this as more of a "do not make policy retroactively".  People who 
>> "bought" an "asset" in good faith should not be told it is worth different 
>> now.
>> I am amenable to changing the cut-off date in Prop-123 to the date it was 
>> sent to the Policy SIG, as that might have given warning to people the rules 
>> were changing.
>> APNIC Secretariat, how many transfers will be affected by Prop-123?
>> -- 
>> Sanjeev Gupta
>> +65 98551208 <tel:+65%209855%201208>   http://sg.linkedin.com/in/ghane 
>> <http://sg.linkedin.com/in/ghane>
>> On Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 4:16 AM, Henderson Mike, Mr 
>> <michael.hender...@nzdf.mil.nz <mailto:michael.hender...@nzdf.mil.nz>> wrote:
>> Not supported
>> The proposal should in my opinion be amended to read:
>> ___________________________
>> Disadvantages:
>> None Completely negates the purpose of prop-116-v006: Prohibit to transfer 
>> IPv4 addresses in 
>> the final /8 block.
>> ___________________________
>> Regards
>> Mike
>> From: sig-policy-boun...@lists.apnic.net 
>> <mailto:sig-policy-boun...@lists.apnic.net> 
>> [mailto:sig-policy-boun...@lists.apnic.net 
>> <mailto:sig-policy-boun...@lists.apnic.net>] On Behalf Of Bertrand Cherrier
>> Sent: Friday, 26 January 2018 4:28 p.m.
>> To: sig-pol...@apnic.net <mailto:sig-pol...@apnic.net>
>> Subject: [sig-policy] prop-123-v001: Modify 103/8 IPv4 transfer policy
>> Dear SIG members,
>> The proposal "prop-123-v001: Modify 103/8 IPv4 transfer policy" has
>> been sent to the Policy SIG for review.
>> It will be presented at the Open Policy Meeting at APNIC 45 in
>> Kathmandu, Nepal on Tuesday, 27 February 2018.
>> We invite you to review and comment on the proposal on the mailing list
>> before the meeting.
>> The comment period on the mailing list before an APNIC meeting is an
>> important part of the policy development process. We encourage you to
>> express your views on the proposal:
>>  - Do you support or oppose this proposal?
>>  - Does this proposal solve a problem you are experiencing? If so,
>>    tell the community about your situation.
>>  - Do you see any disadvantages in this proposal?
>>  - Is there anything in the proposal that is not clear?
>>  - What changes could be made to this proposal to make it more
>>    effective?
>> Information about this proposal is available at:
>>    http://www.apnic.net/policy/proposals/prop-123 
>> <http://www.apnic.net/policy/proposals/prop-123>
>> Regards
>> Sumon, Bertrand, Ching-Heng
>> APNIC Policy SIG Chairs
>> https://www.apnic.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/prop-123-v001.txt 
>> <https://www.apnic.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/prop-123-v001.txt> 
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> prop-123-v001: Modify 103/8 IPv4 transfer policy
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> Proposer:        Alex Yang
>>                  yang...@126.com <mailto:yang...@126.com>
>> 1. Problem statement
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> Policy Proposal prop-116-v006: Prohibit to transfer IPv4 addresses in 
>> the final /8 block reached consensus at the APNIC 44 AMM on 14 Sep 
>> 2017. Since that APNIC has stopped all the IPv4 transfers from 103/8 
>> block if the delegation date is less than 5 years.
>> However, some of the 103/8 ranges were delegated before 14 Sep 2017. 
>> Those resources should not be subjected to 5 years restriction. The 
>> community was not aware of the restriction when they received those 
>> resources, some of the resources have been transferred or planning to 
>> transfer. If APNIC is not allow those transfers to be registered, 
>> there will be underground transfers. This will cause incorrect APNIC 
>> Whois data.
>> 2. Objective of policy change
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> To keep the APNIC Whois data correct.
>> 3. Situation in other regions
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> No such situation in other regions.
>> 4. Proposed policy solution
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> “Prohibit transfer IPv4 addresses under final /8 address block (103/8)
>> which have not passed five years after its allocation/assignment” 
>> should only apply to those ranges were delegated from APNIC since 14 
>> Sep 2017.
>> 5. Advantages / Disadvantages
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> Advantages:
>> - Allow APNIC to register those 103/8 transfers to keep the APNIC 
>>   Whois data correct.
>> Disadvantages:
>> None.
>> 6. Impact on resource holders
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> Resource holders are allowed to transfer 103/8 ranges if the resources 
>> were delegated before 14 Sep 2017.
>> 7. References
>> -------------------------------------------------------
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>> distribute this message or the information in it.  If you have received this 
>> message in error, please Email or telephone the sender immediately.
>> *              sig-policy:  APNIC SIG on resource management policy          
>>  *
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>> sig-policy mailing list
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>> https://mailman.apnic.net/mailman/listinfo/sig-policy 
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>> *              sig-policy:  APNIC SIG on resource management policy          
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>> _______________________________________________
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>> --
>> Best Wishes,
>> Aftab A. Siddiqui
>> *              sig-policy:  APNIC SIG on resource management policy          
>>  *
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>> sig-policy mailing list
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>> *              sig-policy:  APNIC SIG on resource management policy          
>>  *
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