On 08/02/2016 02:19 PM, Mike Meyer wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 3:24 AM <b...@biot.com> wrote:
>> That's what the demo driver is for. It generates analog streams as well
>> (sine waves and such), and can be configured to some extent.
> Unfortunately, it doesn't generate frame markers.  I think it should, but I
> could be confused about what they're for.

They were originally intended for the specific case of oscilloscope output. 
Scopes do a capture to an internal buffer, then send that buffer to the 
sigrok host, and then wait for a trigger to do it all over. That means the 
second batch of data is not contiguous with the one before it, or the one 
after -- it's a frame i.e. internal buffer worth of data.

What the demo driver generates _is_ a contiguous set of data, of the size 
you ask, you frame markers would be wrong.

>> This being sigrok however, any input will do: by the time it reaches an
>> output module, it doesn't matter whether the analog stream came from
>> hardware or a .WAV file.
>> If you're specifically looking for something that generates frame
>> markers, I think it's mostly only oscilloscope drivers that generate
>> those. But do you really need those for gnuplot output? That seems to me
>> like it should just generate a continuous stream.
> I'm honestly not sure. The frame markers don't seem to be documented on the
> Wiki, so I'm cribbing from the csv output file. Which has code for handling
> them. Of course, I just tried writing two analog values out as a csv file,
> and it failed to write the second value, so maybe it's wrong.
> I'm thinking some kind of framing is needed for mixed signal devices,
> because you need multiple packets to build a sample across all the sensors.

Yes, it does make some sense to re-use them for this. The Arachnid re:load 
pro does this to group voltage and current measurements of a sample 
iteration. Probably the scpi-pps driver should do this too, can't remember 
why I didn't put that in there.

> Well, I want to be able to do waveform analysis in a decoder. That means I
> need some way of getting analog values out to them. I don't think that
> transform framework would help with that, as I just want the waveforms, not
> a transform of them. But I haven't even looked at the code to start
> planning how to do this, so if you think it would solve my problem, I'm
> certainly willing to consider it.

Yup, that's a good use-case.

Bert Vermeulen

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