
For the benefit of anyone else trying to use the IkaLogic Scanalogic-2 with
Sigrok here is the fix that I have managed to find.
After examining the error output it appeared that there was a problem
trying to claim the USB channel. This is possibly because High Sierra has a
prior claim on it for some other purpose. By commenting out the code that
tries to claim the interface I managed to get part way to fixing the
problem. It then boiled down to stopping the code from trying to release
and close the interface. After rebuilding it now works OK and pulseview
captures perfectly.

For anyone wanting to build the executable I have attached the three files
that need to be changed. Because the build file uses git to copy the source
code from the repository any changes get overwritten. I have chosen to
modify the build file to restore these files prior to the build, which
although not ideal does work. So you will need to add the following lines
to the sigrok-native-macosx file after the line $GIT_CLONE

#"+++++++ Patching for Ikalogic ScanaLogic-2 ++++++++++"
cp ~/strutil.c
cp ~/protocol.c
cp ~/api.c

Then copy the three files strutil.c api.c protocol.c attached here to your
home directory and do the build.

Can you make this available for anyone else that needs a fix please?


Attachment: api.c
Description: Binary data

Attachment: protocol.c
Description: Binary data

Attachment: strutil.c
Description: Binary data

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