
On Sun, Oct 18, 2020 at 09:26:56AM +0200, Helge Kruse wrote:
> I assume that it's not necessary to install the libusb driver with
> Zadig. Am I right?

For the reference, Zadig allows installing one of the three drivers:
1. WinUSB; 2. libusb-win32; 3. libusbK. As confusing as it might seem,
the second option is not suitable for modern userspace applications that are
using libusb library to talk to the USB devices (it was used for the
very old version years ago). Usually the best way is to "install"
WinUSB (in fact, the driver is included in Windows and what Zadig does
is basically assigning it to device). Unfortunately, without doing
that windows (unlike all the other common OSes) doesn't allow
userspace access to USB devices.

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