Just after git clone git://sigrok.org/sigrok-util and enter cross-compile/mingw 
to follow the steps in README. Everything is done by default, but only the i686 
has been replaced with x86_64 because I want to build the 64bit version.

I had problem with the makensis so I just delete the relevant code in two 
places, under sigrok-cli and pulseview.

Type sigrox-cross-mingw and enter and wait a long time, I finally got 
pulseview.exe under $HOIME/sr_mingw_release_64/bin. And then I copy it to 
$HOIME/sr_mingw_release_64/bin for the python34.dll, and the copy the entire 
directory $HOIME/sr_mingw_release_64 to my windows pc.

I launch the pulseview.exe succussfully, then I connect a compatible device 
driven by fx2lafw and it appears on the pulseview. I click the button run and 
wait for its capture, but it failed. Not enough data or even none shows in the 

I use the nightly build 
 and it shows and updates normally in real-time.

Not only build it from the master branch, but also the 7e5c839 (need add 
#include <memory> in segment.cpp to fix the compile-time error fixed by 2802b9e 
) and 16d72fc (just one commit after the fixed above). They all failed to show 
the data.

First time, it shows nothing. But after more tries, it shows 200ms and 500ms 
and 800ms and then finally 1s, from this one more try will cause the error 


There is the about (7e5c839 build by me) below:

Versions, libraries and features:
PulseView             0.5.0-git-7e5c839
Qt                    5.7.1
glibmm                2.66.2
Boost                 1_80
exprtk                20200101
libsigrok             0.6.0-git-69b0005/4:0:0 (rt: 0.6.0-git-69b0005/4:0:0)
- glib                2.70.2 (rt: 2.70.2/7002:2)
- zlib                1.2.13
- libzip              1.5.2
- minilzo             2.10
- libserialport       0.1.1/1:0:1 (rt: 0.1.1/1:0:1)
- libusb-1.0 API 0x01000109
- hidapi              0.11.0-dev
- libftdi             1.4
- Host                x86_64-w64-mingw32.static.posix, little-endian
- SCPI backends       TCP, serial, USBTMC
libsigrokdecode       0.6.0-git-73cb546/4:0:0 (rt: 0.6.0-git-73cb546/4:0:0)
- glib                2.70.2 (rt: 2.70.2/7002:2)
- Python              3.4.4 / 0x30404f0 (API 1013, ABI 3)
- Host                x86_64-w64-mingw32.static.posix, little-endian

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