Hello Pavel,

I find the build with MSYS2 very interesting. I would like to try it
here, please share.

The "Save" problem might be related to the change in bool
StoreSession::start() introduced with commit 292b6ebc. The variable
start_time is now a not initialized DateTime struct instead of a
TimeVal. The value in start_time is passed
tocontext->create_header_packet(). Since the function
create_header_packet expects a DateTime, the TimeVal had been converted
and an initialized temporary DateTime struct was created.

With the change in that commit it might happen, that start_time is an
invalid Glib object. This can depend on the glib-library version. Your
build probably uses a different glib version than the MXE tool chain.

I propose this workaround:
Glib::DateTime start_time= *g_date_time_new_now_local();

The previous implementation set the TimeVal to { 0, 0 }. So, the actual
value was only a placeholder. If it is stored without change, it would
be interesting to get the intended point of time here (start time of
capture, trigger time, save time, whatever...).

Best regards,

On 26.10.2023 22:58, Pavel Fedin via sigrok-devel wrote:
 Hello everyone! I am experiencing problems with sigrok on Windows,
and i decided to fix them myself. I am using MSYS2, this is my first
patch. I made the build script working.

 The only thing left is that somehow dynamic gobject and glib DLLs are
pulled in. For my current development needs i get by with a small
workaround in pulseview CMakeLists.txt. If you're interested, i can
share the WA, or maybe i can dig into this later, after i fix major

 The big problem i am experiencing is that "Save" function doesn't
work. I'll provide more details later.

 Kind regards.

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