Dear IRIS Family,

We want to thank everyone who responded to the request for field testers. Due 
to the overwhelming response, we are unable to accommodate everyone's request. 
We have selected the individuals who will be field testing this 
semester/quarter, primarily on a first-come-first-selected basis. We will be 
contacting these individuals within the next week or two and sending them more 
detailed instructions and materials. For those who do not receive an email, we 
will add your names to our pool of field testers and will contact you when we 
have new modules that need to be field tested. We greatly appreciate your 
interest in collaborating with the IRIS Center and hope to work with you in the 
near future.
The IRIS Center

The IRIS Center
for Training Enhancement
Vanderbilt University
Peabody College, Box 160
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN 37203
615-343-5611 (fax)

The IRIS Center
for Training Enhancement
Vanderbilt University
Peabody College, Box 160
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN   37203
615-343-5611 (fax)
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