On Sunday 29 Apr 2007 10:06 am, Udhay Shankar N wrote:
> On Sat, April 28, 2007 8:52 pm, Venkat Mangudi wrote:
> > http://bullnotbull.com/archive/dow13k-1.html

This stuff is particularly interesting to me.

Ages ago, after living in the UK for long enough to acquire permanent resident 
status there I decided to return to India and not go to the US as many of my 
peers then did. 

Around that time my brother, who is a US citizen saw fit to sponsor me as a 
first degree relative to enter the US as an immigrant. One and a half decades 
later the papers have come through and I have been asked to attend a visa 
interview with my family in two in 3 weeks from today.

Neither my wife nor I have any need or intention to emigrate to the US. 
However I was weighing the "educational opportunity" options for my kids in 
the US. This article has firmed up my mind. 



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