On Sun, Apr 29, 2007 at 11:22:09AM -0400, Bruce Metcalf wrote:

> >I was weighing the "educational opportunity" options for my kids in 
> >the US.
> By "education", I assume you do *not* mean public schools?

It's expensive, but it's still one of the best educations to be had
in the world, if you choose a matching (there might be better matches
abroad for specific areas, though) school. I wouldn't want
to move to the U.S. just to give your kids that education, though.
> >This article has firmed up my mind.
> I take it then that you will *not* be joining us? Probably a wise choice.

I did a two-year stint as a H1b in Southern California pre-.bomb (around 1998),
and decided to go back to Germany, since the company situation turned sour,
and I was unwilling to risk turning to an IT job, because the smell
of the crash and burn was already in the air.

In the retrospect, it was the right choice to make. I stopped being
a poor peripat(h)etic scholar, purchased real estate, found the love
of my life, moved in with the in-laws and rented out my own place.

I'm preparing as well for the coming winter as I can, unfortunately,
friends/relatives are rather unwilling to listen. Since there's not
a lot one can do anyway (perhaps I can install a solar thermal
system on the roof, before the methane prices shoot through the roof,
and I'll lose my (IT, unfortunately) dayjob), perhaps that's just
as well.

Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org";>leitl</a> http://leitl.org
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