On 11/6/07, Charles Haynes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 11/6/07, Ramakrishnan Sundaram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Udhay Shankar N said the following on 06/11/2007 21:09:
> >
> > > Udhay, just back from a few days in a resort in Kerala that appeared
> > > largely populated by Europeans -- nary a USAnian in sight, FWIW.
> >
> > Kerala is way too exotic for Americans to go to. Besides, it's too near
> > Eyerack, EyeRAN, and all those places.
> Hm. I better cancel my December plans then...
> -- Charles, looking forward to a relaxing time on a houseboat in the
> backwaters of Kerala...

Forgot to mention - it'll be with two friends from the US who've never
been to India before. Any suggestions of cool things to do in Cochin
or environs either before or after?

-- Charles

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