Casey O'Donnell wrote: [ on 12:43 AM 2/29/2008 ]

What was the response to the comics?

I have read the first several issues of 3 of their series [1]: _Devi_, _Sadhu_, and the _Ramayan_ one -- all based, in some way or another, on tropes from Indian mythology.

_Devi_, in particular, is recommended specifically for the gorgeous art [2].

I spent a very interesting evening a couple of years ago with one of the founders of this company. (KNI - should we get Suresh on board silk?)

To add to what Badri has said -- I'm not sure these comics will actually pop up on the religious right's radar.

 Is it related to the being taught
in school part? Just curious.

Indeed it is [3]. On being reminded of a minor inconsistency in the protest (the BJP, which supports this protest to censor a textbook, is simultaneously attacking the government for gagging the Bangadeshi writer Taslima Nasrin), the spokesman says this is justified as it is ALL FOR THE CHILDREN.


((Udhay Shankar N)) ((udhay @ ((

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