On Saturday 01 Mar 2008 9:52:46 am va wrote:
> I for one dislike any political party speaking on behalf of my religious
> beliefs.... mainly because as a religion Hinduism is not organised, has no
> strict rules and our life karma rests entirely on an individual
> (creature?). Losing that freedom is a shame.


But there may well be greater forces at work. If you look at the history of 
the regions that were overrun by Christianity and Islam and all the 
kafir/pagan faiths that were replaced across Europe, Asia and the Americas, 
there are two possible explanations:

1) The faiths were not good. They were not true religions worth following 
Their Gods were not good enough and were replaced by superior faiths and the 
one true God

2) The religions Christianity and Islam were organized and adversarial, and 
did not brook opposition. They raised armies in the name of their God that 
just overran and eliminated all opposition.

History has something to say about what actually happened, I believe.

Why then did Hinduism survive? 

I have thought about this and do not claim to know the answer, but I have 
theories. I do not think Hinduism survived because of any great superiority 
in belief or great competence of Hindu Gods. In fact if you ask people they 
will give you a long list of all that is bad about Hinduism

The only explanation for the survival of Hinduism I believe that its followers 
managed to be just as murderous against opponents as Christianity and Islam.

Has anything changed?


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