On 10 Apr 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I can't remember the name of the place.

Pinch of Jazz ? On the 5th floor ?

> The food was not really Mexican or even Tex-Mex (think chappatis with
> rajma), 

I remember the cuisine being billed as Cajun. I agree with the not very
good part though.

> but what made it worse was the live 'music' - this really bad singer
> with a guitar and a harmonica mounted on a stand around his neck who
> used to assault unsuspecting diners with requests for requests.

An old teacher of mine used to perform there with his band. I don't think
that he ever wore a harmonica like that though.


The absence of labels [in ECL] is probably a good thing.
                -- T. Cheatham

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