On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 7:35 PM, Rishab Aiyer Ghosh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 2008-10-20 at 08:41 -0400, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
>> All that said, here's an interesting article that just got published,
>> and you will note Bruce's involvement.
>> http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200811/airport-security
> americans haven't figured out when to check ID? i hadn't noticed this
> bug because in europe it's done differently.

I had the letters SSSSS tagged onto my boarding pass earlier this year
because I bought a one-way ticket from Seattle to NYC using a foreign
credit card. Multiple S symbols on the boarding pass mean that you
have been flagged for tighter security inspection. As you can see
this happens for many reasons.

It was hilarious when the security guard inspecting the boarding
passes took a double take when she saw my boarding pass, and
immediately placed a hand on her holster and stepped back a pace
before continuing the conversation. It took longer than usual, but it
was okay because I had plenty of time. I even wisecracked perhaps
foolishly with the security guard doing the inspection about the
idiotic security.


I agree Bruce is one of the loudest voices against security theater.
IIRC, he's also the one that coined the term "security theater".

OTOH, this is necessary to convince most that something is being done
about security, and no, they don't read Bruce Schneier or any of those
other intellectuals you read.

Politics is about winning the votes of the common masses, it is _not_
about effective governance. It's a very fundamental thing about
motivation and reward. So, if you need to do something about security
theater, do something about how politics is run.


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