On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 5:11 PM, ss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The virtues of not being overly materialistic, and overly greedy are both
> actively taught in Brahminical Hinduism and actively practised by many
> including some in my own family and among my ancestors. It is not at all
> clear to me that such things are actively taught as part of family culture
> among non Brahmins in India.

I have closely seen a microcosm of various indian communities, none of
whom are brahmins, some are not even hindu : oshwals, patels, bohras,
khojas, badalas, lohanas... I can think of any number of examples
where people drive 30 year old cars (kept in pristine condition)... or
don't use cars at all... not because they can't afford better... but
because they know they don't need anything more... Maybe they all had
brahmin teachers to indoctrinated them into brahminic virtues (or
maybe they were all descended from brahmins...)... I think I should
enquire ...

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