On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 08:10:52AM +0530, ss wrote:

> I don't care much for European views on islam. They are confused. Europe is 

Europe is diverse, not confused. A small (and, apparently dwindling) minority
is in general for evidence-based methods and against belief-based,
and for a strictly secular state. I am one of these weirdos.

There are belief-driven people of many persuasions, including tolerant
and not-so-tolerant. Some of the claim a leitkultur status which is no longer
backed up the reality, or at least, won't be soon.

> (naturally) a product of its own history and the Crusades were fought in 
> Europe. The winners of the crusades wiped most of Europe clean from islam, 
> but where Islam won, it (mostly) wiped all other religions clean. I believe 
> that Islam and Christianity have a "This world ain't big enough for both of 
> us"  relationship with  each other (and other religions) and "Europe's" views 
> on the hijab are a subtle reflection of that. 

Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org";>leitl</a> http://leitl.org
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