On Friday 20 August 2010 08:35 PM, Udhay Shankar N wrote:
> There are some important differences from email - wikis are multi-user
> by design, are available in a common location, and are editable by
> anyone with the appropriate permissions.

True, but most of the work happened on blogs, and I can't quite see how
the wiki really fit in.  Currently, I'm not even making the larger case
of collaborative mathematics vs. individual-genius mathematics, nor even
the more specific case of wiki-mathematics vs. mailing list mathematics.
 I'm asking about this particular case in which the wiki seems to have
been the place for mirroring the goings on elsewhere rather than the
place where the goings were going on.

And AFAICS, blogs are generally worse for such matters than publicly
archived mailing lists which allow full participation (rather than just
commenting and linking to your own blog post). Publicly archived mailing
lists are just as visible on search engines (and are thus locatable by
interested non-experts who wish to contribute / learn more).

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