> Message: 9
> Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2011 23:33:14 -0700
> From: "Radhika, Y." <radhik...@gmail.com>
>  Is it the
> contention of Silklisters that character can only be built in India - seems
> a tad self-serving? 

That, actually, is my contention, Radhika.  Speaking from my experience of 
living in New York City and North America for 18 years before moving back to 
India five years ago.  

My contention is that certain aspects of personality are better built in 
certain societies.  Risk-taking, non-conformity and invention are better built 
in America, while putting out for family and living with porous boundaries are 
better built in India.  Character, as I defined it earlier, is better built in 
India, IMHO, simply because you get tested in "what you do while others aren't 
watching" much more frequently.

This is not America-bashing.  I love America-- it made me what I am.  
If I didn't have kids and parents, I'd be in NYC right now.  

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