On Sun, Oct 23, 2011 at 10:34, Shoba Narayan <sh...@shobanarayan.com> wrote:
> For every person who feels that they are dehumanizing the help (as this 
> author does), there are Indian families who retain help for decades.

True. I've seen instances of jewelry lying around untouched (read, not
stolen by the help, even if she knew/ had easy access to it), the help
having access to the home keys over less-trusted family members or
neighbors, etc.... That said, I cant claim that every hired help ranks
high on the loyalty and honesty scale, just that many exceptions do
exist, BUT the blog writer didnt stay long enough to find/experience
any of that in ~3 years -- seems quite short when you are trying to
build a home in a new city. India isnt perfect but in his own words,
he was looking for the India sold outside India... "I was leaving the
U.S. to go back to Shri Thomas Friedman’s India: an India that offered
global companies, continental food, international schools and domestic
help; an India that offered freedom from outsourcing and George W.
Bush.</quote>. Its not surprising that he didnt find India.


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