Delurking briefly to say hola to a fellow SG silk-lister.  If you are in
the CBD, let me know.

Balaji Dutt
(Sent via mobile email - please excuse top-posting and/or any typos)
On 10 Nov 2011 20:44, "Chew Lin Kay" <> wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 7:59 PM, Udhay Shankar N <> wrote:
>> My take: there is certainly a lot of bullshit involved (and some amount
>> of self-deception, as the various studies show).
>> ...
>> My point? There are certainly people who can detect (and can be trained
>> to detect) nuances in stuff (taste impressions, smell impressions, etc). It
>> makes as little sense to call the entire wine appreciation thing false, as
>> to call all of it true. :)
> So my takeaway so far is:
> a) drink Indian wines if I have nothing else to drink (with an
> undressed-salad as backup)
> b) drink Indian wines just to see what they are like
> c) experience before reading--since Udhay brought up perfume, I thought
> I'd extend the idea. When I first started learning to differentiate between
> what I enjoyed and what I didn't, I had to make the conscious effort to
> sniff before I read (perfume notes, reviews, etc), otherwise I'd find
> myself trying to like something because I *should*, and not because I
> actually *did*. Similarly with wine and other things, because they can be
> such great social signifiers.
> Invitation of drinkies for Silklisters passing through SG stands, though
> now we will blind-taste, in black glasses.
> CL

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