Amen to that post that, Divya. 
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-----Original Message-----
From: Divya Sampath <>
Date: Thu, 17 May 2012 12:01:28 
Subject: Re: [silk] India's dangerous capitalism

>I actually started reading it then got lost. Does she always write like this? 

Yes, she does. Her writing defies parody because really, who could possibly 
out-do her own stock of entitled, delusional, condescending, endlessly 
recycled, logic-defying, inane rhetoric? The State is evil! Check. Sinister 
Global capitalist forces (of Indian origin)! Check. Vast Right-Wing Media 
conspiracy! Check. 

A few things in the article are worth giggling over - she now describes herself 
as part of the Indian middle class. The same middle class that in the world of 
Arundhati Roy as recently as last year were 'incredibly hostile, abusive, and 
dangerous' to her. Apparently, the pernicious, reality-challenged middle class 
in India were a privileged lot who had 'seceded to outer space' and were 
disconnected to everything but 'their own andolan, their own Jessica Lal, their 
own media, their own controversies'. In other words, people who choose to rally 
around anything other than Arundhati's chosen andolans, media and 
controversies are detached from reality.    
The worst part? She is such a terrible, disingenuous pseudo-intellectual that 
it makes me cringe when she espouses a cause that I care about. (It happens 
frequently). I'd rather not have my issues advocated for so ineptly.


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