On May 17, 2012 11:28 PM, "ashok _" <listmans...@gmail.com> wrote:
> """"
> The report warned of
> the growing influence of the Soviet Union on the ANC and said that US
> strategic and corporate interests (i.e., access to South Africa’s
> minerals) would be best served if there were genuine sharing of
> political power by all races.
> The Foundations began to support the ANC. The ANC soon turned on the
> more radical organizations like Steve Biko’s Black Consciousness
> movement and more or less eliminated it. When Nelson Mandela took over
> as South Africa’s first Black President, he was canonized as a living
> saint... because he deferred completely to the
> Washington Consensus.
> """"
> That is such a ridiculous argument given that steve biko spent most of
> his time under house arrest

It's a ridiculous argument to anyone who knows the first thing about the
ANCYL, the ANC, Steve Biko, Chris Hani, Nelson Mandela, or the history of
South Africa.

It comes across as the ravings of someone who has read one or two "easy
reader" summaries written by lunatic fringe conspiracy theorists.

-- Charles

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