In terms of historical fiction, two words leap to mind: Aubrey and
Maturin.  Which is to say, a very long and pretty well 100% excellent
series in the British Naval Fiction genre by Patrick O'Brian.

On Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 6:21 PM, Bharat Shetty <>

> I was curious about these questions of late:
> Anyone on this lists borrow books regularly from libraries in Bengaluru ?
> Are there any ebook lending libraries around in Bengaluru ?
> That said, which has been the best historical fiction that one would
> recommend to me ?
> Non-fiction recommendations are also welcome. I've been reading Greenwald's
> "No Place to Hide" as well as "Men of Mathematics," both of which are very
> fascinating reads.
> Regards,
> - Bharat

- Tim Bray (If you’d like to send me a private message, see

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