Hello everyone!

I'm Hari and I was introduced to this list by Mohit (the Just one). Thanks
Udhay for having me on here!

I'm originally from Mysore and I live in Hyderabad, but in the past twelve
years I've also lived in Bangalore and Gurgaon. I've worked in a bunch of
places, having done a few things such as writing code and selling chai in
an F&B start-up for a living. Currently, I sell ads online.

When I grow up, I want to be a polymath. Seeing as I turned 33 last week it
seems like it will remain a distant dream. However, I'm interested in and
enjoy quizzing, music, books and travel.

I'm happy to be part of Silk and I'm sure there's plenty of familiar people
on here already! I look forward to getting to know the rest of you.


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