
Now you mention it, that's the funny, or rather, pitiful thing. A frank 
discussion of sex often veers into the prurient, from horny and oversexed but 
inexperienced students, to snickering locker room talk from middle aged people 
who tend not to get much at all.

Places where "the middle ground" exists and people are actually comfortable 
discussing sex are few and far between.

By the way if you haven't already, you might take a look at Kate Lister's 
twitter feed @whoresofyore - she's a sexual / sex work historian who manages to 
keep the discussion fun, frank and interesting.


> On 03-Apr-2017, at 8:40 PM, Cindy Gallop <ci...@ifwerantheworld.com> wrote:
> I had the enormous pleasure of meeting Udhay in Bangalore last week - MLNP
> gets a lot of traffic and emails from India, especially Indian millennials,
> and I am actively seeking investors to launch MakeLoveNotPorn India in
> order to help promote and educate on good sexual values and good sexual
> behavior - as FactorDaily outlines here:

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