Given you have Moroccan chickpeas, I recommend this Moroccan chickpeas
recipe "Kalinté". We had it in Chefchaouen and loved it. (I also recommend
socca if you haven't already tried it.)

On Tue., 4 Sep. 2018, 10:00 pm Heather Madrone, <> wrote:

> Udhay Shankar N wrote on 9/3/18 8:05 PM September 3, 2018:
> > How much time here do people spend actually cooking the food they eat? To
> > make the data more useful, calculate the time you spent over the past
> week
> > in total.
> I probably average 2 hours a day, but over the past week it's been 4. My
> eldest was staying with us before flying away to graduate school in
> Scotland. Last week, I cooked all the family favorites. #2 child is
> working in the area after finishing her undergraduate degree. She's been
> home weekends, and I've been cooking extra for her to eat during the week.
> I work from home, and still have two college-student sons living at home.
> My daughter worked as a research assistant on a drought-tolerant
> chickpea genetics project at school. Each year's data yielded several
> tons of chickpeas from strains that come from all over the world. She
> brought home 12 gallons of dried chickpeas from India, Morocco, Spain,
> Turkey, Greece, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran, as well as hybrid
> varieties that do well in drought conditions.
> Every weekend she comes home, I make falafel (because it's a good summer
> supper) with one of the chickpea varieties. I figure that, if I cook
> chickpeas one day a week, the supply will last close to 15 years.
> I have quite a few chickpea recipes and can alter other recipes to
> include chickpeas, but I'd welcome a few more to round out my repertoire.
> --
> Heather Madrone  (
> Nothing worth doing is ever easy.

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