On Tue, Jan 1, 2019, 9:59 PM Charles Haynes <hay...@edgeplay.org wrote:

> On Tue., 1 Jan. 2019, 1:11 am Srini RamaKrishnan <che...@gmail.com wrote:
> > Monkey see, monkey do. AI only learns from the behavior of humans
> >
> This is not true. Specifically AlphaZero learns from the rules of the game,
> and playing (randomly at first) against itself. GANs (like the one in the
> article) do not learn from humans. While humans do define the success
> criteria, that does not constitute "learning from behaviour of humans" any
> more than drawing a finish line constitutes "running a race."

That should be enough.

We are creating the AI to better reach our current end goals, but we don't
have the abundance end goals because of our scarcity mindset.

The choices made in defining success criteria is a behaviour  of one's
state of consciousness. When you practice abundance consciousness success
criteria  look very different.

Christ, Krishna, Buddha, Rama - the titular examples of abundance
consciousness led successful lives by their definition, but for most
people, it would not be success.

Getting nailed to a board when there was a choice not to, losing your
entire clan and Kingdom when it could have been saved, abandoning one's
royal standing and family for an impoverished life in the forest without
duress, and giving up a  privileged life at every turn to honour the wishes
of others do not sound like success to a scarcity consciousness.

They were prepared to lose, and often lost everything, because they
functioned from a consciousness where there was nothing to lose and nothing
to gain.

If we want to change the scenery we must change where we want to go.

Nishkama karma or action without a desire or expectation for results or end


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